Propagating Information Content: An Example with Advection
Abstract. The mathematical algorithm to derive geophysical information from remote sensing observations is called a retrieval. The mathematics of many retrieval problems is ill-posed, and thus a priori information is used to help constrain the derived geophysical variable to realistic values. One quantity of interest, therefore, is the information content of the observation. Perfect information content in the observation would be achieved if the retrieval is able to capture any perturbation in the desired geophysical variable with the proper magnitude.
Many new data products can be derived by combining geophysical variables retrieved from multiple different remote sensors. This paper explores, for the first time, how to derive the information content of these derived products. The approach uses traditional error propagation techniques to derive the uncertainty of the derived field twice, both when the observations are used in the retrieval and also when only the a priori information from each remote sensor is propagated. These two uncertainties are then used to provide an estimate of the information content of the derived geophysical variable.
This study demonstrates how to propagate the uncertainties from six different instruments to provide the information content for water vapor and temperature advection. A multi-month analysis demonstrates that, in a mean sense, the information content for temperature advection is nearly unity for all heights below 700 m while the information content for water vapor advection is somewhat more variable but still larger than 0.6 in the convective boundary layer.