the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study
Abstract. Deformation of polymineralic aggregates can be accommodated by viscous granular flow, a process mediated by the interplay among intracrystalline plasticity and dissolution–precipitation, each active in specific minerals at given P–T conditions. Common rock-forming minerals like quartz, feldspars and sheet silicates have been intensively studied in terms of deformation processes. Instead, the deformation behavior of epidote and its role during viscous granular flow is not well investigated, although this mineral is ubiquitous in granitic rocks deforming at greenschist-facies conditions. In this contribution, we provide microstructural and geochemical evidence for the occurrence of dissolution–precipitation of epidote during deformation of an epidote-quartz vein. The main part of the vein is deformed producing a fold, which is visible due to relicts of primary-growth layering inside the vein. The deformation mechanisms active during deformation include dynamic recrystallization of quartz by subgrain rotation recrystallization, producing grain-size reduction of the primary vein quartz. This occurs contemporaneously with dissolution and (re)precipitation of epidote, and grain-boundary sliding, leading to a combined process described as viscous granular flow. The combination of intracrystalline plasticity, grain boundary sliding and dissolution locally and repeatedly produce creep cavities. These represent not only loci for nucleation of new epidote grains at the expenses of dissolved one, but they also allow fluid-mediated transport of elements. The same trace element patterns between old epidote relicts and newly formed grains, with much narrower variability, indicate a process of chemical homogenization. The nature of the fluid mediating deformation is investigated using Pb–Sr isotope data of epidote, which suggest that deformation is assisted by internally recycled fluids with the addition of a syn-kinematic external fluid component.
Notice on discussion status
The requested preprint has a corresponding peer-reviewed final revised paper. You are encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
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The requested preprint has a corresponding peer-reviewed final revised paper. You are encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
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Journal article(s) based on this preprint
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Anonymous Referee #1, 23 Jun 2022
The study of Peverelli and co-authors entitled “Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study” investigates an epidote and quartz vein from the Aar Massif with several analytical techniques. The authors conclude that during deformation quartz experienced dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation that decreased its grain size. Consequently, grain boundary sliding, creep cavitation, and viscous granular flow produced the investigated microstructure. During these processes, epidote experienced dissolution and (re)precipitation responsible for pinning quartz grain size at grain boundaries.
Although these sequence and association of deformation mechanisms is coherent with what has been proposed in literature in several rock types and geological settings, at the present the petrographic and microstructural description and data are not sufficient to support these interpretations. In my opinion, this can be fixed with major revisions, aimed at expanding this section of the manuscript. Furthermore, discussion should be expanded, adding more references of relevant articles from other research groups and discussing novel data in the light of those works.
Below a few major comments, several comments are present in the attached pdf.
- Streamline of the text: interpretations of deformation mechanisms appear too early in the text and are not supported by documentation. I suggest moving those in the discussion section, expanding this session in the light of relevant literature (at the moment largely missing)
- Section 3 need to be largely implemented, both for text and microphotos. At the moment the reader cannot assess what it is written and cannot place the different epidote vein generations, shear zone and host rock in context
- EBSD documentation need to be expanded both in data and text, following comments in the attached PDF (e.g. only one EBSD map is present in appendix C, without low and high angle boundaries displayed in the map and text explaining it).
- The authors conclude that subgrain rotation recrystallization was the main deformation mechanism of quartz in results section. They state that CPO formed due to this mechanism. What would have happened to this CPO when grain boundary sliding, creep cavitation, and viscous granular flow occurred? Would you expect an attenuation of this CPO, as several authors suggested? This discussion is completely absent in the manuscript. Please, add EBSD documentation, such as GROD or GOS or KAM grain size maps along your map in appendix C, pole figures also for , misorientation angle distribution. Afterward, please discuss more thoroughly all those deformation mechanisms in the light of relevant literature.
- Dissolution precipitation in epidote: in the conclusions the authors state: “we have demonstrated the occurrence of epidote dissolution–precipitation processes”. However, I fear that diss-prec is just a proposition and that there could be other explanations. This is because the authors did not present any microstructural characterization of Epidote A grains pointing to diss-prec processes acting, such as lobate edges, microporosity,…. Please, refer to Putnis 2009 Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry for microstructures indicative of diss-prec processes. Regarding another possible interpretation, as you imply the presence of an external fluid why you cannot just have new nucleation of epidote in creep cavities (thus syn-deformation) related to the percolating fluid, without dissolving previous Epidote A?
Concluding, I think that with major revisions aimed at including additional data, expanding results, expanding discussion section in the light of relevant literature, the authors could substantiate their interpretations and conclusions.
Best wishes
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Referee,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for your review. Attached is a schematic response to all the points that you raised, and a revised manuscript has been prepared taking your comments into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find the response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 23 Jun 2022
2 Geological setting
The geological setting as well as Fig. 1 are rather poor. It might not be necessary for the general understanding of the results and interpretations in this manuscript, but It would be benficial to the general quality of the work if the geological background would be a bit more detailed. The map is not very helpful once the reader would like to see the Aar massif's position in the Alpine orogen.
Lines 72ff.: "... and mainly records Alpine deformation ...". What else deformation does it record?
Lines 75ff.: What kind of shear zones are they? How wide? What does "a large number" mean? What orientations?
In general, this paragraph needs reworking!
Citation: -
CC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 23 Jun 2022
3 Field relations and sample description
Line 93: What kind of "rock laboratory" is the Grimsel Test Site?
Line 94: What is the "characteristic pattern of shear zones"?
Lines 95ff: Oblique to which direction? Fig. 2 is way too small to see either the geology or details of the shear zone/epidote vein.
Why are the other samples mentioned? None of them is considered in this work, or am I wrong?
Citation: -
CC3: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 06 Jul 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC3: 'Reply on CC3', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Matthias Konrad-Schmolke,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for posting your feedback on our manuscript. Attached is a single file responding to all of your comments of June 23rd and July 6th, and the manuscript has been revised taking them into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find our response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
AC3: 'Reply on CC3', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Holger Stunitz, 22 Jul 2022
Comments on the manuscript: «Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study» by Peverelli et al.
The manuscript describes observations and geochemical data of a deformed vein in granitoid rocks. The data and observations are of good quality and are presented in a clear and concise way. The material is novel and original and of great importance for the inference of deformation processes in granitoids and other plagioclase-bearing rocks. I have not checked the geochemical details and isotopic parts, as these are not my field of expertise. However, the arguments presented make a lot of sense to me. From my point of view, the manuscript should be published after minor revisions. Some points in detail are listed below, some points are only suggestions:
Line 17: “Recrystallization” instead of “This”
Line 20: «ones» instead of «one»
Line 34: “… and strain rates” (not only temperature). “Interpretations” instead of “interpretation”.
Line 35: “modal amount” instead of “relative abundance”
Line 42: “in the presence of a fluid dissolved material may precipitate…” (the fluid does not have to circulate)
Line 60: I suggest to use “epidote group minerals” here, because clinozoisite, zoisite and epidote, etc. form a considerably larger group of minerals than just epidote, and they all seem to behave in the same way mechanically in terms of crystal plasticity, i.e., they are very strong. Perhaps you want to insert a sentence to make this point.
Line 70: “polymetamorphic” instead of “polycyclic”?
Line 100: “yielded” instead of “returned”
Line 101: insert paragraph break
Line 136: in the table, is there any reason, why “SGR + dislocation glide” should be different from “dislocation glide + SGR”? If not, please use the same word order.
Lines 249-253: fluid inclusions are not visible in the figures – you are referring to fluid inclusions inside qtz grains, but are epidote grains also included in qtz grains? Probably not (?), but the sentence indicates this. Please clarify.
Line 255: the microstructure appears completely recrystallized – is it possible to identify unrecrystallized qtz grains at all?
Fig. 12: the CL contrast is difficult to see – can perhaps both images (BSE and CL) be shown separately and next to each other?
Line 386: perhaps better: “location”? In addition, “dynamic granular fluid pump” is not really a scientific term but rather a sort of a “buzz word” to sound fancy. I would avoid such terms. The reference is appropriate, of course, but something like “cavitation as nucleation sites” would be a more neutral descriptive term.
Lines 394-401: there is circumstantial evidence for grain boundary processes involving grain boundary sliding and solution precipitation in plastically deformed qtz (dislocation creep) in Nègre et al. 2021 and Pongrac et al. 2022 based on experiments and in analogy to wet ice dislocation creep.
Lines 421-423: the compositions are not identical. Better: “the epidote B composition represents a narrower range of the compositional spectrum of epidote A” or something like this.
Line 431: “difference” instead of “heterogeneity”?
Line 453: again “granular fluid pump” could be replaced by descriptive terms like “combined grain boundary sliding, cavitation, and nucleation” or so.
Line 489: admittedly, it is a somewhat obscure reference, but Stunitz 1993 describes crystal plastic deformation (or better: the absence thereof) in clinozoisite.
If there are any questions, the authors may contact me.
Best regards
Holger Stunitz
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Holger Stünitz,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for your review. Attached is a schematic response to all the points that you raised, and a revised manuscript has been prepared taking your comments into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find the response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Interactive discussion
Status: closed
RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Anonymous Referee #1, 23 Jun 2022
The study of Peverelli and co-authors entitled “Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study” investigates an epidote and quartz vein from the Aar Massif with several analytical techniques. The authors conclude that during deformation quartz experienced dynamic recrystallization by subgrain rotation that decreased its grain size. Consequently, grain boundary sliding, creep cavitation, and viscous granular flow produced the investigated microstructure. During these processes, epidote experienced dissolution and (re)precipitation responsible for pinning quartz grain size at grain boundaries.
Although these sequence and association of deformation mechanisms is coherent with what has been proposed in literature in several rock types and geological settings, at the present the petrographic and microstructural description and data are not sufficient to support these interpretations. In my opinion, this can be fixed with major revisions, aimed at expanding this section of the manuscript. Furthermore, discussion should be expanded, adding more references of relevant articles from other research groups and discussing novel data in the light of those works.
Below a few major comments, several comments are present in the attached pdf.
- Streamline of the text: interpretations of deformation mechanisms appear too early in the text and are not supported by documentation. I suggest moving those in the discussion section, expanding this session in the light of relevant literature (at the moment largely missing)
- Section 3 need to be largely implemented, both for text and microphotos. At the moment the reader cannot assess what it is written and cannot place the different epidote vein generations, shear zone and host rock in context
- EBSD documentation need to be expanded both in data and text, following comments in the attached PDF (e.g. only one EBSD map is present in appendix C, without low and high angle boundaries displayed in the map and text explaining it).
- The authors conclude that subgrain rotation recrystallization was the main deformation mechanism of quartz in results section. They state that CPO formed due to this mechanism. What would have happened to this CPO when grain boundary sliding, creep cavitation, and viscous granular flow occurred? Would you expect an attenuation of this CPO, as several authors suggested? This discussion is completely absent in the manuscript. Please, add EBSD documentation, such as GROD or GOS or KAM grain size maps along your map in appendix C, pole figures also for , misorientation angle distribution. Afterward, please discuss more thoroughly all those deformation mechanisms in the light of relevant literature.
- Dissolution precipitation in epidote: in the conclusions the authors state: “we have demonstrated the occurrence of epidote dissolution–precipitation processes”. However, I fear that diss-prec is just a proposition and that there could be other explanations. This is because the authors did not present any microstructural characterization of Epidote A grains pointing to diss-prec processes acting, such as lobate edges, microporosity,…. Please, refer to Putnis 2009 Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry for microstructures indicative of diss-prec processes. Regarding another possible interpretation, as you imply the presence of an external fluid why you cannot just have new nucleation of epidote in creep cavities (thus syn-deformation) related to the percolating fluid, without dissolving previous Epidote A?
Concluding, I think that with major revisions aimed at including additional data, expanding results, expanding discussion section in the light of relevant literature, the authors could substantiate their interpretations and conclusions.
Best wishes
AC1: 'Reply on RC1', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Referee,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for your review. Attached is a schematic response to all the points that you raised, and a revised manuscript has been prepared taking your comments into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find the response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 23 Jun 2022
2 Geological setting
The geological setting as well as Fig. 1 are rather poor. It might not be necessary for the general understanding of the results and interpretations in this manuscript, but It would be benficial to the general quality of the work if the geological background would be a bit more detailed. The map is not very helpful once the reader would like to see the Aar massif's position in the Alpine orogen.
Lines 72ff.: "... and mainly records Alpine deformation ...". What else deformation does it record?
Lines 75ff.: What kind of shear zones are they? How wide? What does "a large number" mean? What orientations?
In general, this paragraph needs reworking!
Citation: -
CC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 23 Jun 2022
3 Field relations and sample description
Line 93: What kind of "rock laboratory" is the Grimsel Test Site?
Line 94: What is the "characteristic pattern of shear zones"?
Lines 95ff: Oblique to which direction? Fig. 2 is way too small to see either the geology or details of the shear zone/epidote vein.
Why are the other samples mentioned? None of them is considered in this work, or am I wrong?
Citation: -
CC3: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, 06 Jul 2022
The comment was uploaded in the form of a supplement:
AC3: 'Reply on CC3', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Matthias Konrad-Schmolke,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for posting your feedback on our manuscript. Attached is a single file responding to all of your comments of June 23rd and July 6th, and the manuscript has been revised taking them into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find our response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
AC3: 'Reply on CC3', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2022-311', Holger Stunitz, 22 Jul 2022
Comments on the manuscript: «Epidote dissolution–precipitation during viscous granular flow: a micro-chemical and isotope study» by Peverelli et al.
The manuscript describes observations and geochemical data of a deformed vein in granitoid rocks. The data and observations are of good quality and are presented in a clear and concise way. The material is novel and original and of great importance for the inference of deformation processes in granitoids and other plagioclase-bearing rocks. I have not checked the geochemical details and isotopic parts, as these are not my field of expertise. However, the arguments presented make a lot of sense to me. From my point of view, the manuscript should be published after minor revisions. Some points in detail are listed below, some points are only suggestions:
Line 17: “Recrystallization” instead of “This”
Line 20: «ones» instead of «one»
Line 34: “… and strain rates” (not only temperature). “Interpretations” instead of “interpretation”.
Line 35: “modal amount” instead of “relative abundance”
Line 42: “in the presence of a fluid dissolved material may precipitate…” (the fluid does not have to circulate)
Line 60: I suggest to use “epidote group minerals” here, because clinozoisite, zoisite and epidote, etc. form a considerably larger group of minerals than just epidote, and they all seem to behave in the same way mechanically in terms of crystal plasticity, i.e., they are very strong. Perhaps you want to insert a sentence to make this point.
Line 70: “polymetamorphic” instead of “polycyclic”?
Line 100: “yielded” instead of “returned”
Line 101: insert paragraph break
Line 136: in the table, is there any reason, why “SGR + dislocation glide” should be different from “dislocation glide + SGR”? If not, please use the same word order.
Lines 249-253: fluid inclusions are not visible in the figures – you are referring to fluid inclusions inside qtz grains, but are epidote grains also included in qtz grains? Probably not (?), but the sentence indicates this. Please clarify.
Line 255: the microstructure appears completely recrystallized – is it possible to identify unrecrystallized qtz grains at all?
Fig. 12: the CL contrast is difficult to see – can perhaps both images (BSE and CL) be shown separately and next to each other?
Line 386: perhaps better: “location”? In addition, “dynamic granular fluid pump” is not really a scientific term but rather a sort of a “buzz word” to sound fancy. I would avoid such terms. The reference is appropriate, of course, but something like “cavitation as nucleation sites” would be a more neutral descriptive term.
Lines 394-401: there is circumstantial evidence for grain boundary processes involving grain boundary sliding and solution precipitation in plastically deformed qtz (dislocation creep) in Nègre et al. 2021 and Pongrac et al. 2022 based on experiments and in analogy to wet ice dislocation creep.
Lines 421-423: the compositions are not identical. Better: “the epidote B composition represents a narrower range of the compositional spectrum of epidote A” or something like this.
Line 431: “difference” instead of “heterogeneity”?
Line 453: again “granular fluid pump” could be replaced by descriptive terms like “combined grain boundary sliding, cavitation, and nucleation” or so.
Line 489: admittedly, it is a somewhat obscure reference, but Stunitz 1993 describes crystal plastic deformation (or better: the absence thereof) in clinozoisite.
If there are any questions, the authors may contact me.
Best regards
Holger Stunitz
Citation: -
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Dear Holger Stünitz,
On behalf of all authors, thank you very much for your review. Attached is a schematic response to all the points that you raised, and a revised manuscript has been prepared taking your comments into account. We hope that you and the Editor will find the response satisfactory.
Kind regards,
Veronica Peverelli, on behalf of all authors
AC2: 'Reply on RC2', Veronica Peverelli, 19 Aug 2022
Peer review completion

Journal article(s) based on this preprint
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Veronica Peverelli
Alfons Berger
Martin Wille
Thomas Pettke
Pierre Lanari
Igor M. Villa
Marco Herwegh
The requested preprint has a corresponding peer-reviewed final revised paper. You are encouraged to refer to the final revised version.
- Preprint
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