20 Dec 2024
 | 20 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics (NPG).

Quantifying Variability in Lagrangian Particle Dispersal in Ocean Ensemble Simulations: an Information Theory Approach

Claudio M. Pierard, Siren Rühs, Laura Gómez-Navarro, Michael C. Denes, Florian Meirer, Thierry Penduff, and Erik van Sebille

Abstract. Ensemble Lagrangian simulations aim to capture the full range of possible outcomes for particle dispersal. However, single-member Lagrangian simulations are most commonly available and only provide a subset of the possible particle dispersal outcomes. This study explores how to generate the variability inherent in Lagrangian ensemble simulations by creating variability in a single-member simulation. To obtain a reference for comparison, we performed ensemble lagrangian simulations by advecting the particles from the surface of the Gulf Stream, around 35.61° N, 73.61° W, in each member of the NATL025-CJMCYC3 ensemble to obtain trajectories capturing the full ensemble variability. Subsequently, we performed single-member simulations with spatially and temporally varying release strategies to generate comparable trajectory variability and dispersal. We studied how these strategies affected the number of surface particles connecting the Gulf Stream with the eastern side of the subtropical gyre.

We used an information theory approach to define and compare the variability in the ensemble with the single-member strategies. We defined the variability as the marginal entropy or average information content of the probability distributions of the position of the particles. We calculated the relative entropy to quantify the uncertainty of representing the full-ensemble variability with single-member simulations. We found that release periods of 12 to 30 weeks most effectively captured the full ensemble variability, while spatial releases with a 2.0° radius resulted in the closest match at timescales shorter than 10 days. Our findings provide insights to improve the representation of variability in particle trajectories and define a framework for uncertainty quantification in Lagrangian ocean analysis.

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Claudio M. Pierard, Siren Rühs, Laura Gómez-Navarro, Michael C. Denes, Florian Meirer, Thierry Penduff, and Erik van Sebille

Status: open (until 19 Feb 2025)

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Claudio M. Pierard, Siren Rühs, Laura Gómez-Navarro, Michael C. Denes, Florian Meirer, Thierry Penduff, and Erik van Sebille

Model code and software

Model code C. M. Pierard

Claudio M. Pierard, Siren Rühs, Laura Gómez-Navarro, Michael C. Denes, Florian Meirer, Thierry Penduff, and Erik van Sebille


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Short summary
Particle-tracking simulations compute how ocean currents transport material. However, initialising these simulations is often ad-hoc. Here, we explore how two different strategies (releasing particles over space or over time) compare. Specifically, we compare the variability in particle trajectories to the variability of particles computed in a 50-member ensemble simulation. We find that releasing the particles over 20 weeks gives variability that is most like that in the ensemble.