17 Jan 2025
 | 17 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Biogeosciences (BG).

Savanna ecosystem structure and productivity along a rainfall gradient: the role of competition and stress tolerance mediated by plant functional traits

Prashant Paudel, Stefan Olin, Mark Tjoelker, Mikael Pontarp, Daniel Metcalfe, and Benjamin Smith

Abstract. Environmental gradients affect vegetation structure and ecosystem productivity. Along the northern Australia tropical transect (NATT), which transitions from tropical moist conditions in the north to arid conditions in the south, vegetation composition and structure are closely tied to rainfall patterns. We hypothesise that biotic competition and abiotic stress exhibit opposing patterns along the NATT rainfall gradient and aim to disentangle these effects on vegetation structure and productivity. Using a trait-based dynamic vegetation model, we simulated vegetation responses to varying competition and stress along the NATT. The model successfully simulated spatial variations and temporal patterns in carbon and water fluxes, where evapotranspiration and gross primary productivity decrease with rainfall along the gradient. Simulation results showed that taller and medium-sized Eucalyptus had higher carbon mass, leaf area index, and foliar projective cover at the wet end of the gradient. In contrast, Acacia and grasses were dominant at the dry end. Crown coverage shows spatial and temporal variability with rainfall, with higher variability in tree plant functional types (PFTs) crown cover in the north and more uniform in the south, while grasses have maximum coverage during the wet season in the dry end of the gradient. These patterns suggest a shift in the importance of biotic versus abiotic factors, with competition playing a more significant role in the wet region and stress becoming more influential as aridity increases in the south. Overall, our study underscores water availability as a primary driver of vegetation structure and highlights the role of competition and stress in modulating ecosystem structure, composition and productivity along the rainfall gradient.

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Prashant Paudel, Stefan Olin, Mark Tjoelker, Mikael Pontarp, Daniel Metcalfe, and Benjamin Smith

Status: open (until 15 Mar 2025)

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Prashant Paudel, Stefan Olin, Mark Tjoelker, Mikael Pontarp, Daniel Metcalfe, and Benjamin Smith
Prashant Paudel, Stefan Olin, Mark Tjoelker, Mikael Pontarp, Daniel Metcalfe, and Benjamin Smith


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Short summary
Ecological processes respond to changes in rainfall conditions. Competition and stress created by water availability are two primary components at two ends of the rainfall gradient. In wetter areas, plants compete for resources, while in drier regions, stress limits growth. The complex interaction between plant characters and their response to growth conditions governs ecosystem processes. These findings can be used to understand how future rainfall changes could impact ecosystems.