12 Dec 2024
 | 12 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Advances in CALIPSO (IIR) cirrus cloud property retrievals – Part 1: Methods and testing

David L. Mitchell, Anne Emilie Garnier, and Sarah Woods

Abstract. In this study, we describe an improved CALIPSO (Cloud-Aerosol Lidar and Infrared Pathfinder Satellite Observation) satellite retrieval which uses the Imaging Infrared Radiometer (IIR) and the CALIPSO lidar for retrievals of ice particle number concentration Ni, effective diameter De, and ice water content IWC. By exploiting two IIR channels, this approach is fundamentally different than another satellite retrieval based on cloud radar and lidar that retrieves all three properties. A global retrieval scheme was developed using in situ observations from several field campaigns. The Ni retrieval is formulated in terms of Ni/APSD ratios, where APSD is the directly measured area concentration of the ice particle size distribution (PSD), along with the absorption optical depth in two IIR channels and the equivalent cloud thickness seen by IIR. It is sensitive to the shape of the PSD, which is accounted for, and uses a more accurate mass-dimension relationship relative to earlier work. The new retrieval is tested against corresponding cloud properties from the field campaigns used to develop this retrieval, as well as a recent cirrus cloud property climatology based on numerous field campaigns from around the world. In all cases, favorable agreement was found. This analysis indicated that Ni varies as a function of cloud optical depth. By providing near closure to the ice PSD, the natural atmosphere may be used more like a laboratory for studying key processes responsible for the evolution and life cycle of cirrus clouds and their impact on climate.

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David L. Mitchell, Anne Emilie Garnier, and Sarah Woods

Status: open (until 02 Feb 2025)

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David L. Mitchell, Anne Emilie Garnier, and Sarah Woods
David L. Mitchell, Anne Emilie Garnier, and Sarah Woods


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Short summary
Motivated by the need to better understand the physics of cirrus clouds, a satellite retrieval for cirrus cloud ice water content, ice particle number concentration and effective size was developed by exploiting relationships between cirrus cloud measurements made during field campaigns and cloud radiative properties measured by satellite. These retrievals tested favorably when compared against corresponding aircraft measurements and were found to depend on the visual opacity of the cloud.