09 Dec 2024
 | 09 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Computationally efficient subglacial drainage modelling using Gaussian Process emulators: GlaDS-GP v1.0

Tim Hill, Derek Bingham, Gwenn E. Flowers, and Matthew J. Hoffman

Abstract. Subglacial drainage models represent water flow at the ice–bed interface through coupled distributed and channelized systems to determine water pressure, discharge and drainage system geometry. While they are used to understand processes such as the relationship between surface melt and ice flow, the combination of the number of uncertain model parameters and their computational cost makes it difficult to adequately explore the high-dimensional parameter space and construct robust model predictions. Here, we develop Gaussian Process (GP) emulators that make fast predictions accompanied by uncertainty of subglacial drainage model outputs. Using a truncated principal component basis representation, we construct a GP emulator for daily representation of subglacial water pressure. We also explore emulation of scalar variables describing drainage efficiency and configuration. We train the emulators using ensembles of up to 512 simulations varying eight parameters of the Glacier Drainage System (GlaDS) model on a synthetic domain intended to represent an ice-sheet margin. The emulators make predictions ~1000 times faster than GlaDS simulations, with error <3 % for the water pressure field and ~5–9 % for drainage efficiency and configuration. We apply the emulators to explore the eight-dimensional input space by computing variance-based parameter-sensitivity indices, finding that three parameters (ice-flow coefficient, bed bump aspect ratio and the subglacial cavity system conductivity) explain 90 % of the water pressure variance. The GP emulator approach described here is well-suited to integrate observational data with models to make calibrated, credible predictions of subglacial drainage.

Tim Hill, Derek Bingham, Gwenn E. Flowers, and Matthew J. Hoffman

Status: open (until 03 Feb 2025)

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Tim Hill, Derek Bingham, Gwenn E. Flowers, and Matthew J. Hoffman

Model code and software

GladsGP: v1.0.0 Tim Hill, Derek Bingham, Gwenn E. Flowers, and Matthew J. Hoffman

Tim Hill, Derek Bingham, Gwenn E. Flowers, and Matthew J. Hoffman


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Short summary
Subglacial drainage models represent water flow beneath glaciers and ice sheets. Here, we train fast statistical models called Gaussian Process emulators to accelerate subglacial drainage modelling by ~1000 times. We use the fast emulator predictions to show that three of the model parameters are responsible for >90 % of the variance in model outputs. The fast GP emulators will enable future uncertainty quantification and calibration of these models.