07 Nov 2024
 | 07 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Overcoming barriers in long-term, continuous monitoring of soil CO2 flux: A low-cost sensor system

Thi Thuc Nguyen, Nadav Bekin, Ariel Altman, Martin Maier, Nurit Agam, and Elad Levintal

Abstract. Soil CO2 flux (Fs) is a carbon cycling metric crucial for assessing ecosystem carbon budgets and global warming. However, global Fs datasets often suffer from low temporal-spatial resolution, as well as from spatial bias. Fs observations are severely deficient in tundra and dryland ecosystems due to financial and logistical constraints of current methods for Fs quantification. In this study, we introduce a novel, low-cost sensor system (LC-SS) for long-term, continuous monitoring of soil CO2 concentration and flux. The LC-SS, built from affordable, open-source hardware and software, offers a cost-effective solution (~USD700), accessible to low-budget users, and opens the scope for research with a large number of sensor system replications. The LC-SS was tested over ~6 months in arid soil conditions, where fluxes are small, and accuracy is critical. CO2 concentration and soil temperature were measured at 10-min intervals at depths of 5 and 10 cm. The LC-SS demonstrated high stability and minimal maintenance requirements during the tested period. Both diurnal and seasonal soil CO2 concentration variabilities were observed, highlighting the system's capability of continuous, long-term, in-situ monitoring of soil CO2 concentration. In addition, Fs was calculated using the measured CO2 concentration via the gradient method and validated with Fs measured by the flux chamber method using the well-accepted LI-COR gas analyzer system. Gradient method Fs was in good agreement with flux chamber Fs, highlighting the potential for alternative or concurrent use of the LC-SS with current methods for Fs estimation. Leveraging the accuracy and cost-effectiveness of the LC-SS (below 10 % of automated gas analyzer system cost), strategic implementation of LC-SSs could be a promising means to effectively increase the number of measurements, spatially and temporally, ultimately aiding in bridging the gap between global Fs uncertainties and current measurement limitations.

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Thi Thuc Nguyen, Nadav Bekin, Ariel Altman, Martin Maier, Nurit Agam, and Elad Levintal

Status: open (until 17 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3156', Hirohiko Nagano, 27 Nov 2024 reply
Thi Thuc Nguyen, Nadav Bekin, Ariel Altman, Martin Maier, Nurit Agam, and Elad Levintal
Thi Thuc Nguyen, Nadav Bekin, Ariel Altman, Martin Maier, Nurit Agam, and Elad Levintal


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Short summary
This study presents a new, low-cost sensor system for measuring soil CO2 gas continuously over long periods. Built using easy-to-get hardware components, the system costs USD700. It was tested for six months in desert soil, proving to be reliable, easy to maintain, and capable of capturing important changes in soil CO2. The CO2 flux calculations from this system closely matched those from a standard measurement device, making it a practical tool for research requiring multiple sensor systems.