04 Nov 2024
 | 04 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Fungi present distinguishable isotopic signals when grown on glycolytic versus tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates

Stanislav Jabinski, Vítězslav Kučera, Marek Kopáček, Jan Jansa, and Travis B. Meador

Abstract. Microbial activity in soils controls both the size and turnover rates of large carbon (C) inventories stored in the subsurface, having important consequences for the partitioning of C between terrestrial and atmospheric reservoirs as well as the recycling of mineral nutrients such as nitrogen or phosphorus, often bound to the C, that support plant growth. Fungi are major decomposers of soil organic matter (SOM); however, uncertainty in the predominant C substrates that fuel respiration confound models of fungal production and SOM turnover. To further define the signals of microbial heterotrophic activity, we applied a dual hydrogen (H) and C stable isotope probing (SIP) approach on pure fungal cultures representing the phyla Ascomycetes, Basidiomycetes, and Zygomycetes growing on monomeric (glucose, succinate) or complex substrates (tannic acid, β-cyclodextrin). Our findings demonstrate that the investigated species incorporated only minor amounts of inorganic C (provided as bicarbonate) into their membrane lipids, amounting to < 3 % of lipid-C, with no consistent patterns observed between species or growth substrates. The net incorporation of water-derived H (i.e., αW) into lipids also did not differ significantly between incubations with monomeric versus complex substrates; however, growth on succinate solicited significantly higher αW values than glucose or β-cyclodextrin. This finding suggests that 2H-SIP assays have the potential to distinguish between microbial communities supported predominantly by substrates that are catabolized by the tricarboxylic acid cycle versus glycolytic pathway. Furthermore, the average αW value of heterotrophic fungal incubations [0.69 ± 0.03 (SEM)] is consistent with that observed for bacterial heterotrophs, and may be applied for upscaling lipid-based estimates of fungal production in environmental assays.

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Stanislav Jabinski, Vítězslav Kučera, Marek Kopáček, Jan Jansa, and Travis B. Meador

Status: open (until 31 Dec 2024)

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Stanislav Jabinski, Vítězslav Kučera, Marek Kopáček, Jan Jansa, and Travis B. Meador
Stanislav Jabinski, Vítězslav Kučera, Marek Kopáček, Jan Jansa, and Travis B. Meador


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Short summary
Microbial production is a key parameter in estimations of organic matter cycling in environmental systems, and fungi play a major role as decomposers. In order to investigate fungal production and turnover times in soils, we incubated fungal pure cultures with isotopically labelled water and bicarbonate to investigate growth signals encoded into lipid biomarkers, which can be applied to improve flux estimates in environmental studies.