01 Oct 2024
 | 01 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Chemistry-climate feedback of atmospheric methane in a methane emission flux driven chemistry-climate model

Laura Stecher, Franziska Winterstein, Patrick Jöckel, Michael Ponater, Mariano Mertens, and Martin Dameris

Abstract. The chemical sink of atmospheric methane (CH4) depends on the temperature and on the chemical composition. Here, we assess the feedback of atmospheric CH4 induced by changes of the chemical sink in a warming climate using a CH4 emission flux driven setup of the chemistry-climate model EMAC, in which the chemical feedback of CH4 mixing ratios can evolve explicitly. We perform idealized perturbation simulations driven either by increased carbon dioxide (CO2) mixing ratios, or by increased CH4 emission fluxes. The CH4 emission flux perturbation leads to a large increase of CH4 mixing ratios. Remarkably, the factor by which the CH4 mixing ratio increases is larger than the increase factor of the emission flux, because the atmospheric lifetime of CH4 is extended.

In contrast, the individual effect of the global surface air temperature (GSAT) increase is to shorten the CH4 lifetime, which results in a significant reduction of CH4 mixing ratios in our setup. The corresponding radiative feedback is estimated at -0.041 W/m2/K and -0.089 W/m2/K for the CO2 and CH4 perturbation, respectively. The explicit adaption of CH4 mixing ratios leads to secondary feedbacks of the hydroxyl radical (OH) and ozone (O3). Firstly, the OH response includes the CH4-OH feedback, which enhances the CH4 lifetime change, and, secondly, the formation of tropospheric O3 is reduced. Our CH4 perturbation induces the same response of GSAT per effective radiative forcing (ERF) as the CO2 perturbation, which supports the applicability of the ERF framework for CH4.

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Laura Stecher, Franziska Winterstein, Patrick Jöckel, Michael Ponater, Mariano Mertens, and Martin Dameris

Status: open (until 12 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2938', Zosia Staniaszek, 02 Oct 2024 reply
Laura Stecher, Franziska Winterstein, Patrick Jöckel, Michael Ponater, Mariano Mertens, and Martin Dameris
Laura Stecher, Franziska Winterstein, Patrick Jöckel, Michael Ponater, Mariano Mertens, and Martin Dameris


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Short summary
Methane, the second most important anthropogenic greenhouse gas, is chemically decomposed in the atmosphere. The chemical sink of atmospheric methane is not constant, but depends on the temperature and on the abundance of its reaction partners. In this study, we use a global chemistry-climate model to assess the feedback of atmospheric methane induced by changes of the chemical sink in a warming climate, and its implications for the chemical composition and the surface air temperature change.