12 Jun 2024
 | 12 Jun 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Development of high-order global dynamical core using discontinuous Galerkin method for atmospheric LES and proposal of test cases: SCALE-DG v0.8.0

Yuta Kawai and Hirofumi Tomita

Abstract. Focusing on future global atmospheric simulations with grid spacing of O(10–100 m), we developed a global nonhydrostatic atmospheric dynamical core with high-order accuracy by applying discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM) both horizontally and vertically. Further, considering a global large-eddy simulation (LES), a Smagorinsky–Lilly turbulence model was introduced to the proposed global dynamical core in the DGM framework. By conducting several tests with various polynomial orders (p), the impact of high-order DGM on atmospheric flows was investigated. To show high-order numerical convergence, a few modifications were made in the experimental setup of existing test cases. In addition, we proposed an idealized test case to validate global LES models, which is a global extension of idealized planetary boundary layer (PBL) turbulence experiment performed in our previous studies. The error norms from the deterministic test cases, such as linear advection and gravity wave test cases, show an optimal order of spatial accuracy with about p + 1-order when the temporal and round-off errors are sufficiently small. In the climatic test cases, such as the Held-Suarez test, the kinetic energy spectra indicate the advantage of effective resolutions when large polynomial orders are used. In the LES experiment, the global model provided a reasonable vertical structure of PBL and energy spectra since the results under shallow atmosphere approximation well reproduce those obtained in the plane computational domain.

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Yuta Kawai and Hirofumi Tomita

Status: open (until 07 Aug 2024)

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Yuta Kawai and Hirofumi Tomita

Model code and software

Source codes and setting files for numerical experiments in this study Yuta Kawai

Yuta Kawai and Hirofumi Tomita


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Short summary
When considering future high-resolution atmospheric simulations with O(10–100 m) grid spacing, such as global large-eddy simulations, numerical errors with the conventional low-order dynamical cores can contaminate the effects of turbulent parameterization. To achieve high-order discretization, we developed a global atmospheric dynamical core using the discontinuous Galerkin method (DGM). By conducting several validation tests, we discussed the impact of high-order DGM on the atmospheric flows.