24 Jan 2025
 | 24 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Geoscientific Model Development (GMD).

ClimLoco1.0: CLimate variable confidence Interval of Multivariate Linear Observational COnstraint

Valentin Portmann, Marie Chavent, and Didier Swingedouw

Abstract. Projections of future climate are key to society's adaptation and mitigation plans in response to climate change. Numerical climate models provide projections, but the large dispersion between them makes future climate very uncertain. To refine it, approaches called observational constraints (OC) have been developed. They constrain an ensemble of climate projections by some real-world observations. However, there are many difficulties in dealing with the large literature on OC: the methods are diverse, the mathematical formulation and underlying assumptions used are not always clear, and the methods are often limited to the use of the observation of only one variable. To address these challenges, this article proposes a new statistical model called ClimLoco1.0, which stands for "CLimate variable confidence Interval of Multivariate Linear Observational COnstraint". It describes, in a rigorous way, the confidence interval of a projected variable (its best guess associated with an uncertainty at a confidence level) obtained using a multivariate linear OC. The article is built up in increasing complexity by expressing in three different cases, the last one being ClimLoco1.0, the confidence interval of a projected variable: unconstrained, constrained by multiple real-world observations assumed to be noiseless, and constrained by multiple real-world observations assumed to be noisy. ClimLoco1.0 thus accounts for observational noise (instrumental error and climate-internal variability), which is sometimes neglected in the literature but is important as it reduces the impact of the OC. Furthermore, ClimLoco1.0 accounts for uncertainty rigorously by taking into account the quality of the estimators, which depends, for example, on the number of climate models considered. In addition to providing an interpretation of the mathematical results, this article provides graphical interpretations based on synthetic data.

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Valentin Portmann, Marie Chavent, and Didier Swingedouw

Status: open (until 21 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2025-62', Anonymous Referee #1, 09 Feb 2025 reply
Valentin Portmann, Marie Chavent, and Didier Swingedouw

Interactive computing environment

ClimLoco Valentin Portmann

Valentin Portmann, Marie Chavent, and Didier Swingedouw


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Short summary
Future climate is very uncertain due to the large dispersion in projections from numerical models. Observational constraints (OCs) decrease this uncertainty using real-world observations. The article proposes a new rigorous statistical OC model that provides updated estimates of confidence intervals as used in IPCC reports. It allows the use of multiple observations at the same time, and proposes an innovative and proper illustration of this OC approach.