05 Feb 2025
 | 05 Feb 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Tropical cirrus evolution in a km-scale model with improved ice microphysics

Blaž Gasparini, Rachel Atlas, Aiko Voigt, Martina Krämer, and Peter N. Blossey

Abstract. Tropical cirrus clouds form via in situ ice nucleation below the homogeneous freezing temperature of water or detrainment from deep convection. Despite their importance, limited understanding of their evolution and formation pathways contributes to large uncertainty in climate projections. To address these challenges, we implement novel passive tracers in the cloud-resolving model SAM to track the three-dimensional development of cirrus clouds. One tracer tracks air parcels exiting convective updrafts, revealing a rapid decline in ice crystal size and number as anvils age. Another tracer focuses on in situ cirrus, capturing their formation in the cold upper atmosphere and the subsequent reduction in ice crystal number over time. We find that in situ cirrus dominate at colder temperatures and lower ice water contents, while anvil cirrus prevail at temperatures above -60 °C. Although in situ cirrus have a smaller radiative impact compared to anvil cirrus, their contribution must be considered when evaluating top-of-the-atmosphere radiative effects. These findings improve our ability to assess the distinct roles of convective and in situ cirrus in shaping tropical cirrus properties and their impacts on climate.

We also improve the model's representation of tropical cirrus through simple, computationally inexpensive microphysics modifications, achieving better agreement with tropical aircraft observations. We show that updrafts critical for tropical cirrus formation are only resolved at horizontal grid spacings finer than 250 m—much finer than those used in global storm-resolving models. To mitigate this limitation, we propose microphysics improvements that reduce biases without increasing computational costs.

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Blaž Gasparini, Rachel Atlas, Aiko Voigt, Martina Krämer, and Peter N. Blossey

Status: open (until 19 Mar 2025)

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Blaž Gasparini, Rachel Atlas, Aiko Voigt, Martina Krämer, and Peter N. Blossey
Blaž Gasparini, Rachel Atlas, Aiko Voigt, Martina Krämer, and Peter N. Blossey


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Short summary
Tropical cirrus clouds, especially their evolution, are poorly understood, contributing to uncertainty in climate projections. We address this by using novel tracers in a cloud-resolving model to track the life cycle of cirrus clouds, providing insights into cloud formation, ice crystal evolution, and radiative effects. We also improve the model's cloud microphysics with a simple, computationally efficient approach that can be applied to other models.