23 Jan 2025
 | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Ocean Science (OS).

Drivers of the spatiotemporal distribution of dissolved nitrous oxide and air-sea exchange in a coastal Mediterranean area

Susana Flecha, Mercedes de la Paz, Fiz Fernández Pérez, Núria Marbà, Carlos Morell, Eva Alou-Font, Joaquín Tintoré, and Iris E. Hendriks

Abstract. Among the well-known greenhouse gases (GHG), nitrous oxide (N₂O) is the third most impactful, possessing a global warming potential approximately 300 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO₂) over a century. The distribution of N₂O from aquatic environments exhibits notable spatial and temporal variations, and emissions still remain inadequately constrained and underrepresented in global N₂O emission inventories, particularly from coastal zones. This study focuses on the N₂O levels and air-sea fluxes in the Balearic Islands Archipelago coastal waters in the Western Mediterranean Basin. Data were gathered between 2018 and 2023 at three coastal monitoring stations: two in the highly inhabited island of Mallorca and the third in the well-preserved National Park of the Cabrera Archipelago. Seawater N₂O concentrations varied from 6.5 to 9.9 nM, with no significant differences detected across the sites. The average air-sea fluxes were estimated to range from -0.3 to 0.6 μmol m⁻² d⁻¹, indicating that the study areas generally functioned as weak N₂O sources. A consistent seasonal pattern was noted over the study period. Machine learning analysis indicated that seawater temperature was the primary factor influencing N₂O concentrations, with lesser contributions from chlorophyll levels and salinity.

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Susana Flecha, Mercedes de la Paz, Fiz Fernández Pérez, Núria Marbà, Carlos Morell, Eva Alou-Font, Joaquín Tintoré, and Iris E. Hendriks

Status: open (until 20 Mar 2025)

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Susana Flecha, Mercedes de la Paz, Fiz Fernández Pérez, Núria Marbà, Carlos Morell, Eva Alou-Font, Joaquín Tintoré, and Iris E. Hendriks
Susana Flecha, Mercedes de la Paz, Fiz Fernández Pérez, Núria Marbà, Carlos Morell, Eva Alou-Font, Joaquín Tintoré, and Iris E. Hendriks


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Short summary
Nitrous oxide (N2O), a potent greenhouse gas, remains understudied in coastal areas despite its role in global emissions. This study measured N2O levels and air-sea fluxes in the Balearic coast (Mediterranean Sea) from 2018 to 2023. N2O concentrations showed slight variation across sites, with all areas acting as weak sources of N2O. Temperature emerged as the main factor driving seasonal changes. These insights help refine our understanding of coastal contributions to global N2O emissions.