20 Jan 2025
 | 20 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Solid Earth (SE).

High-resolution seismic reflection surveying to delineate shallow subsurface geological structures in the karst area of Shenzhen, China

Zhihui Wang, Christopher Juhlin, Qingtian Lü, Xiaoming Ruan, Zhendong Liu, Chenghua Yu, and Mingchun Chen

Abstract. Near-surface seismic reflection surveys can produce high-resolution geological structural images for engineering and hydrological investigations. To help delineate shallow subsurface complex geological structures in a karst area and to better understand limestone cave formation, a high-resolution 2D seismic reflection profile was acquired and processed in the urban area of Shenzhen, China. The stacked images detail subsurface structures down to depths of 80–90 m, including a concave shaped reflection, two thrusts and one normal fault, as well as a hard rock basement reflection at the southern end of the profile which could not be mapped by borehole investigations due to the limited drilling depth. Our interpretations correlate well with borehole data and synthetic modeling. Limestone caves are mainly found along faults and near rivers in this area. Our results provide new insight on the formation mechanism and distribution of the karst caves. Movement along faults and erosion generated fractures and fissures in the limestone that provide channels for rainwater and groundwater to circulate. These waters, rich in carbonic acid, dissolve minerals in the limestone, resulting in the formation of underground cavities. Mapping of the subsurface with geophysical methods can contribute to mitigation of karst hazards in the Pingshan district, Shenzhen.

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Zhihui Wang, Christopher Juhlin, Qingtian Lü, Xiaoming Ruan, Zhendong Liu, Chenghua Yu, and Mingchun Chen

Status: open (until 03 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-4050', Giacomo Medici, 29 Jan 2025 reply
Zhihui Wang, Christopher Juhlin, Qingtian Lü, Xiaoming Ruan, Zhendong Liu, Chenghua Yu, and Mingchun Chen
Zhihui Wang, Christopher Juhlin, Qingtian Lü, Xiaoming Ruan, Zhendong Liu, Chenghua Yu, and Mingchun Chen


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Short summary
Sinkholes and caves underground pose challenges for various industries in the karst area, particularly those dependent on stable ground conditions, such as construction, agriculture, and infrastructure development. In this study, we applied seismic reflection, a geophysical method, to delineate shallow subsurface complex geological structures and to better understand limestone cave formation.