14 Jan 2025
 | 14 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Hydrology and Earth System Sciences (HESS).

Understanding the relationship between streamflow forecast skill and value across the western US

Parthkumar A. Modi, Jared C. Carbone, Keith S. Jennings, Hannah Kamen, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Bill Szafranski, Cameron W. Wobus, and Ben Livneh

Abstract. Accurate seasonal streamflow forecasts are essential for effective decision-making in water management. In a decision-making context, it is important to understand the relationship between forecast skill— the accuracy of forecasts against observations – and forecast value, which is the forecast’s economic impact assessed by weighing potential mitigation costs against potential future losses. This study explores how errors in these probabilistic forecasts can reduce their economic “value”, especially during droughts when decision-making is most critical. This value varies by region and is contextually dependent, which often limits retrospective insights to specific operational water management systems. Additionally, the value is shaped by the intrinsic qualities of the forecasts themselves. To assess this gap, this study examines how forecast skill transforms into value for true forecasts (using real-world models) in unmanaged snow-dominated basins that supply flows to downstream managed systems. We measure forecast skill using quantile loss and quantify forecast value through the Potential Economic Value framework. The framework is well-suited for categorical decisions and uses a cost-loss model, where the economic implications of both correct and incorrect decisions are considered for a set of hypothetical decision-makers. True forecasts are included, made with commonly used models within an Ensemble Streamflow Prediction (ESP) framework using a process-based hydrologic modeling system, WRF-Hydro; a deep learning model, Long Short-term Memory Networks; as well as operational forecasts from the NRCS. To better interpret the relationship between skill and value, we compare true forecasts with synthetic forecasts that are created by imposing regular error structures on observed streamflow volumes. We evaluate the sensitivity of skill and value from both synthetic and true forecasts to fundamental statistical measures - errors in mean and standard deviation. Our findings indicate that errors in mean and standard deviation consistently explain variations in forecast skill for true forecasts. However, these errors do not fully explain the variations in forecast value across the basins, primarily due to irregular error structures, which impact categorical measures such as hit and false alarm rates, causing high forecast skill to not necessarily result in high forecast value. We identify two key insights: first, hit and false alarm rates effectively capture variability in forecast value rather than errors in mean and standard deviation; second, the relationship between forecast skill and value shifts monotonically with drought severity. These findings emphasize the need for a deeper understanding of how forecast performance metrics relate to both skill and value, highlighting the complexities in assessing the effectiveness of forecasting systems.

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Parthkumar A. Modi, Jared C. Carbone, Keith S. Jennings, Hannah Kamen, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Bill Szafranski, Cameron W. Wobus, and Ben Livneh

Status: open (until 25 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Parthkumar A. Modi, Jared C. Carbone, Keith S. Jennings, Hannah Kamen, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Bill Szafranski, Cameron W. Wobus, and Ben Livneh

Model code and software

Long Short Term Memory simulations and code for 664 basins in the Ensemble Streamflow Prediction framework (LSTM-ESP) P. Modi and B. Livneh

Parthkumar A. Modi, Jared C. Carbone, Keith S. Jennings, Hannah Kamen, Joseph R. Kasprzyk, Bill Szafranski, Cameron W. Wobus, and Ben Livneh


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Short summary
This study shows that in unmanaged snow-dominated basins, high forecast accuracy doesn’t always lead to high economic value, especially during extreme conditions like droughts. It highlights how irregular errors in modern forecasting systems weaken the connection between accuracy and value. These findings call for forecast evaluations to focus not only on accuracy but also on economic impacts, providing valuable guidance for better water resource management under uncertainty.