23 Jan 2025
 | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

A mutlisensor C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) approach to retrieve freeze/thaw cycles: A case study for a low Arctic environment

Charlotte Crevier, Alexandre Langlois, Chris Derksen, and Alexandre Roy

Abstract. This study investigates the spatial variability of surface freeze/thaw (F/T) cycles in low arctic tundra retrieved from multisensor SAR backscatter time series. To increase the temporal resolution of SAR observations, we combined measurements from Sentinel-1 and RADARSAT-2. An incidence angle normalization was applied to the backscatter time series to remove the influence of the acquisition angle on backscatter. A seasonal threshold algorithm (STA) was used to detect F/T transitions and applied to HH, HV and HH+HV polarization datasets. The classification threshold was optimized using soil temperature measurements from spatially distributed sites. A detection accuracy of over 93 % was calculated with an optimized classification threshold of 0.62 for the HH+HV time series on those sites. We created surface F/T day of the year (DOY) maps of the study area for the 2018 and 2019 freezing transitions, and for the 2019 thawing transition using the HH+HV time series with the optimized classification threshold. Those maps were combined with a terrestrial ecosystem (ecotype) map to investigate the impact of ecotypes on the F/T transitions. Three generalized least squares (GLS) models were fitted on the coupling of the maps. Differences of about 2–3 days were observed between ecotype classes. Based on these differences, we hypothesize that differences during the freezing transition were probably due to the underlying soil moisture and during the thawing transition, to the influence of vegetation. Our study demonstrates the power of merging two C-band SAR time series to create near-daily F/T maps over arctic environment to allow for better understanding of surface F/T processes happening at small spatial scale in arctic environments.

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Charlotte Crevier, Alexandre Langlois, Chris Derksen, and Alexandre Roy

Status: open (until 06 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Charlotte Crevier, Alexandre Langlois, Chris Derksen, and Alexandre Roy
Charlotte Crevier, Alexandre Langlois, Chris Derksen, and Alexandre Roy


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Short summary
A multisensor C-Band SAR near-daily time series in an Arctic environment was developed to create a high-resolution freeze/thaw algorithm with an accuracy of 96 %. The FT detection was highly correlated to near-surface state as measured by soil temperature. Small but significant FT date differences were identified for different Arctic ecotypes, showing the spatial variability of freeze/thaw process in Arctic environment.