20 Jan 2025
 | 20 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

Towards a low-resolution infrared sounder for monitoring atmospheric ammonia (NH3) at high spatial resolution

Lara Noppen, Lieven Clarisse, Frederik Tack, Thomas Ruhtz, Martin Van Damme, Michel Van Roozendael, Dirk Schuettemeyer, and Pierre Coheur

Abstract. Over the past decade, hyperspectral infrared sounders on satellites have offered global measurements of atmospheric ammonia (NH3), providing valuable insights into its sources. However, due to their coarse spatial resolution and gaps in spatial coverage, inferring emissions from smaller sources or utilizing data from single overpasses remains very challenging. While a high spatial resolution imaging-sounder would greatly enhance monitoring capabilities, developing an instrument that combines high spatial and spectral resolution is technologically difficult and expensive. Here, we analyze the feasibility of measuring NH3 with instruments having a largely reduced spectral coverage and resolution compared to current operational sounders. We explore the performance trade-offs using simulated spectra, measurements from the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) satellite sounder, and spectra obtained from aircraft. The measured spectra are degraded spectrally, and their performance is evaluated using metrics such as NH3 measurement uncertainty, signal-to-noise ratio, and false alarm rate. Instruments that measure across a continuous spectral interval and instruments covering specific well-chosen spectral bands are both examined. We demonstrate that a future dedicated NH3 sounder with as few as three spectral bands of 1–5 cm-1 is feasible and would enable the detection of NH3 at both high spatial resolution and across continental scales. The advantage of choosing well-defined spectral bands is demonstrated, e.g. by showing that an instrument with five specific bands of 5 cm-1 performs similarly to one with 20 contiguous channels across 900–1000 cm-1. Additionally, we show that at high spectral resolutions (below 5 cm-1), the NH3 measurement capability is primarily driven by the instrumental noise. As the spectral resolution or number of measurement bands decreases, spectral interferences from other atmospheric constituents and the surface start to dominate the NH3 retrieval uncertainty budget, fundamentally limiting the unambiguous identification of NH3.

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Lara Noppen, Lieven Clarisse, Frederik Tack, Thomas Ruhtz, Martin Van Damme, Michel Van Roozendael, Dirk Schuettemeyer, and Pierre Coheur

Status: open (until 11 Mar 2025)

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Lara Noppen, Lieven Clarisse, Frederik Tack, Thomas Ruhtz, Martin Van Damme, Michel Van Roozendael, Dirk Schuettemeyer, and Pierre Coheur
Lara Noppen, Lieven Clarisse, Frederik Tack, Thomas Ruhtz, Martin Van Damme, Michel Van Roozendael, Dirk Schuettemeyer, and Pierre Coheur


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Short summary
Current infrared satellite sounders offer high spectral but low spatial resolution, limiting their ability to quantify atmospheric ammonia (NH3) at small scales. Through simulations and analysis of real data, we show that NH3 can be measured effectively from spectra with reduced resolution, either in a contiguous spectral range or in select well-chosen bands. This approach opens possibilities for the development of smaller dedicated instruments for observing NH3 at high spatial resolution.