20 Dec 2024
 | 20 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Simulated mixing in the UTLS by small-scale turbulence using multi-scale chemistry-climate model MECO(n)

Chun Hang Chau, Peter Hoor, and Holger Tost

Abstract. The chemical composition of the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) plays an important role for the climate by affecting the radiation budget. Small-scale diabatic mixing like turbulence has a significant impact on the distribution of tracers which further affect the energy budget via their radiative impact. Current models usually have a higher resolution near the surface and a coarser grid spacing in the free atmosphere, which is insufficent to resolve the occurrence of small-scale turbulence in the UTLS. In this work, we utilise enhanced vertical resolution (200 m in the UTLS) simulations focusing on mixing events in the Scandinavian region using the state-of-the-art multi-scale atmospheric chemistry model system MECO(n). These model simulations are able to represent different distinct turbulent mixing events in the UTLS and depict a significant impact of mixing on the tracer distribution in the UTLS. A novel diagnostic (delta tracer-tracer correlation) is introduced to determine the direction of the vertical mixing. The strength of the UTLS turbulent mixing depends on the particular situation, i.e., the vertical tracer gradient, and dynamical and thermodynamical forcing, i.e., vertical wind shear, deformation and static stability. This work provides evidence that high resolution simulations are able to represent significant turbulent mixing in the UTLS region, allowing for further research on the UTLS turbulent mixing and its implications for the climate system.

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Chun Hang Chau, Peter Hoor, and Holger Tost

Status: open (until 07 Feb 2025)

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Chun Hang Chau, Peter Hoor, and Holger Tost
Chun Hang Chau, Peter Hoor, and Holger Tost


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Short summary
This study examines how the turbulence in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere could modify the tracer distribution under different situations. Using a multi-scale chemistry model, we find that both the pre-existing tracer gradient and the dynamical and thermodynamically forcing play a role in modifying the tracer distribution. These results allow further research on the UTLS turbulent mixing and its implications for the climate system.