20 Dec 2024
 | 20 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

Monitoring Shear-Zone Weakening in East Antarctic Outlet Glaciers through Differential InSAR Measurements

Christian T. Wild, Reinhard Drews, Niklas Neckel, Joohan Lee, Sihyung Kim, Hyangsun Han, Won Sang Lee, Veit Helm, Sebastian Harry Reid Rosier, Oliver J. Marsh, and Wolfgang Rack

Abstract. The stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet depends on ice flux into the ocean through major outlet glaciers, which is resisted by shear stresses in the lateral shear margins both on grounded ice and on floating ice shelves. Within the tidal flexure zone, where the ice sheet transitions from fully grounded to freely-floating, ocean tides lead to a characteristic flexural pattern which can be detected by radar satellites in differential interferograms. Here, we investigate how spatially heterogeneous, elastic ice-shelf properties in the shear zones affect tidal flexure and if a corresponding signature can be detected in satellite observations. We use the Young’s modulus (which among others depends on ice temperature and/or ice crystal orientation fabric) as a bulk tuning variable for changing ice stiffness across shear zones and show that this leads to cm-scale deviations in vertical displacement compared to a homogeneous elastic flexure model. Using the tidal-flexure zone of Priestley Glacier as an example, we compare homogenous and heterogenous flexure-model predictions with observations from 31 differential interferograms. After adjusting the local tide model and validating it with in-situ GPS data, we find that a five-fold reduction of the Young’s modulus in the shear zone, i.e. an effective shear-zone weakening, reduces the root-mean-square-error of predicted and observed vertical displacement by 84 %, from 0.182 m to 0.03 m. This suggests that satellite interferometry can detect changing ice stiffness across shear zones with potential to inform ice-flow models about the often unknown spatial variability in ice-shelf properties along the grounding zone.

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Christian T. Wild, Reinhard Drews, Niklas Neckel, Joohan Lee, Sihyung Kim, Hyangsun Han, Won Sang Lee, Veit Helm, Sebastian Harry Reid Rosier, Oliver J. Marsh, and Wolfgang Rack

Status: open (until 31 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Christian T. Wild, Reinhard Drews, Niklas Neckel, Joohan Lee, Sihyung Kim, Hyangsun Han, Won Sang Lee, Veit Helm, Sebastian Harry Reid Rosier, Oliver J. Marsh, and Wolfgang Rack
Christian T. Wild, Reinhard Drews, Niklas Neckel, Joohan Lee, Sihyung Kim, Hyangsun Han, Won Sang Lee, Veit Helm, Sebastian Harry Reid Rosier, Oliver J. Marsh, and Wolfgang Rack


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Short summary
The stability of the Antarctic Ice Sheet depends on how resistance along the sides of large glaciers slows down the flow of ice into the ocean. We present a method to map ice strength using the effect of ocean tides on floating ice shelves. Incorporating weaker ice in shear zones improves the accuracy of model predictions compared to satellite observations. This demonstrates the untapped potential of radar satellites to map ice stiffness in the most critical areas for ice sheet stability.