03 Dec 2024
 | 03 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

The clay mineralogy rather that the clay content determines radiocaesium adsorption in soils

Margot Vanheukelom, Nina Haenen, Talal Almahayni, Lieve Sweeck, Nancy Weyns, May Van Hees, and Erik Smolders

Abstract. The transfer of radiocaesium (137Cs) from soil to crops is the main long-term radiation risk after nuclear accidents. The prevailing concept is that 137Cs sorption in soil, and hence its bioavailability, is controlled by soil clay content (0–2 µm). This study tested this assumption using 24 soils collected worldwide. The Radiocaesium Interception Potential (RIP), i.e., 137Cs adsorption, was measured for the bulk soils and for their clay and silt fractions. The RIP varied by factor 438 among soils and was unrelated to its clay content (p >0.05). The RIP in the clay fractions was lowest for young volcanic soils with allophane and mica, and for highly weathered tropical soils with kaolinite. In contrast, about two order of magnitude higher RIP values were found in intermediate-weathered temperate soils dominated by illite. Soil RIP was, hence, related to soil illite content (R2 = 0.50; p <0.001). Significant fraction of soil RIP originated from clay minerals embedded in the silt fraction. The sum of RIP in clay and silt fractions overestimated the soil RIP by, on average, factor of 2, indicating that isolation of clay opens selective 137Cs sorption sites inaccessible in intact soils. Soil mineralogy, not just clay content, governs soil RIP. The validity of existing 137Cs bioavailability models require recalibration for its use on a global scale.

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Margot Vanheukelom, Nina Haenen, Talal Almahayni, Lieve Sweeck, Nancy Weyns, May Van Hees, and Erik Smolders

Status: open (until 14 Jan 2025)

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Margot Vanheukelom, Nina Haenen, Talal Almahayni, Lieve Sweeck, Nancy Weyns, May Van Hees, and Erik Smolders
Margot Vanheukelom, Nina Haenen, Talal Almahayni, Lieve Sweeck, Nancy Weyns, May Van Hees, and Erik Smolders


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Short summary
Radiocaesium (137Cs) in soil poses long-term risks of entering the food chain after nuclear accidents. This study examined its binding in soils with contrasting properties, questioning the concept that clay content controls the fate of 137Cs. Instead, soil mineralogy, such as illite content, plays a larger role. Soil structure also affects its availability, as isolated soil fractions do not fully reflect intact soils. These findings improve predictions of 137Cs bioavailability in diverse soils.