14 Nov 2024
 | 14 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Effects of 2010–2045 climate change on ozone levels in China under carbon neutrality scenario: Key meteorological parameters and processes

Ling Kang, Hong Liao, Ke Li, Xu Yue, Yang Yang, and Ye Wang

Abstract. We examined the effects of 2010–2045 climate change on ozone (O3) levels in China under carbon neutrality scenario using the Global Change and Air Pollution version 2.0 (GCAP 2.0). In eastern China (EC), GCAP 2.0 and other six models from Coupled Model Intercomparison Projection Phase 6 (CMIP6) all projected increases in daily maximum 2-m temperature (T2max), surface incoming shortwave radiation (SW), and planet boundary layer height, and decreases in relative humidity (RH) and sea level pressure. Future climate change is simulated by GCAP 2.0 to have large effects on O3 even under carbon neutrality pathway, with summertime regional and seasonal mean MDA8 O3 concentrations increased by 2.3 ppbv (3.9 %) over EC, 4.7 ppbv (7.3 %) over North China Plain, and 3.0 ppbv (5.1 %) over Yangtze River Delta. Changes in key meteorological parameters were found to explain 58–76 % of the climate-driven MDA8 O3 changes over EC. The most important meteorological parameters in summer are T2max and SW in northern and central EC and RH in southern EC. Analysis showed net chemical production was the most important process that increases O3, accounting for 34.0–62.5 % of the sum of all processes within the boundary layer. We also quantified the uncertainties in climate-induced MDA8 O3 changes by using CMIP6 multi-model projections of climate and a stepwise multiple linear regression model. GCAP 2.0 results are in the lower-end of the climate-induced increases in MDA8 O3 from the multi-models. These results have important implications for policy-making regarding emission controls under the background of climate warming.

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Ling Kang, Hong Liao, Ke Li, Xu Yue, Yang Yang, and Ye Wang

Status: open (until 26 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Ling Kang, Hong Liao, Ke Li, Xu Yue, Yang Yang, and Ye Wang
Ling Kang, Hong Liao, Ke Li, Xu Yue, Yang Yang, and Ye Wang


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Short summary
Climate change over 2010–2045 under carbon neutrality scenario is simulated to increase ozone levels in China in the model of Global Change and Air Pollution version 2.0. Future climate change increases summertime MDA8 O3 levels by 2.3, 4.7, and 3.0 ppbv in eastern China, North China Plain, and Yangtze River Delta, respectively. Temperature, radiation, and RH are the key meteorological parameters and net chemical production is the key process for climate-driven ozone increases in eastern China.