26 Sep 2024
 | 26 Sep 2024

The Size Distributions of Faults and Earthquakes: Implications for Orogen-Internal Seismogenic Deformation

Sandro Truttmann, Tobias Diehl, Marco Herwegh, and Stefan Wiemer

Abstract. Pre-existing geological discontinuities such as faults represent structural and mechanical discontinuities in rocks which influence earthquake processes. As earthquakes occur in the subsurface, seismogenic reactivation of pre-existing fault networks is difficult to investigate in natural settings. However, it is well-known that there exists a physical link between both faults and earthquakes since an earthquake’s magnitude is related to the ruptured fault area and therefore fault length. Furthermore, faults and earthquakes exhibit similar statistical properties, as their size distributions follow power laws.

In this study, we exploit the relation between the size distributions of faults and earthquakes to decipher the seismic deformation processes within the exhumation-related orogen-internal setting of the Southwestern Swiss Alps, which due to its well-monitored seismic activity and the excellent outcrop conditions provides an ideal study site. Characterizing the size distribution of exhumed fault networks from different tectonic units based on multi-scale drone-based mapping, we find that power law exponents of 3D fault networks generally range between 3 and 3.6. Comparing these values with the depth-dependent exponents of estimated earthquake rupture lengths, we observe significantly larger values of 5 to 8 for earthquake ruptures at shallow depths (< 3 km below sea level (BSL)). At intermediate crustal depths (~3 to 9 km BSL), the power law exponents of faults and earthquakes appear to be similar. These findings imply depth-dependent differences in the seismogenic reactivation of pre-existing faults in the study region: while partial rupturing is the prevailing deformation mechanism at shallow depths, faults are more likely to rupture along their entire length at intermediate crustal depths. Therefore, the present-day near surface differential stresses are likely insufficient to rupture entire pre-existing faults seismogenically. Our findings have direct implications for seismic hazard considerations, as earthquakes that rupture along entire faults appear to become less likely with decreasing depth.

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Sandro Truttmann, Tobias Diehl, Marco Herwegh, and Stefan Wiemer

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2975', Francesco Iezzi, 13 Nov 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2975', Anonymous Referee #2, 29 Nov 2024
Sandro Truttmann, Tobias Diehl, Marco Herwegh, and Stefan Wiemer
Sandro Truttmann, Tobias Diehl, Marco Herwegh, and Stefan Wiemer


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Short summary
Our study investigates the statistical relationship between geological faults and earthquakes in the Southwestern Swiss Alps. We analyze how the fault size and earthquake rupture are related and find differences in how faults at different depths rupture seismically. While shallow faults tend to rupture only partially, deeper faults are more likely to rupture along their entire length, potentially resulting in larger earthquakes.