22 Aug 2024
 | 22 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Measuring varve thickness using µCT: a comparison with thin section

Marie-Eugénie Meusseunan Pascale Jamba, Pierre Francus, Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, and Guillaume St-Onge

Abstract. X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) scans were performed on four varved sediment cores collected in Grand Lake (Labrador) and previously studied with thin sections. These scans allowed to investigate the possibility of using µCT as a substitute for thin sections to carry out counts and thickness measurements of varved sediments. Comparing varve counts of these two methods, μCT counts are slightly higher than the ones made with thin sections. The difference in counts suggests that the petrographic study and a SEM analysis of a thin section remain necessary for determining the varve character of the laminae. Yet, µCT allows measurements in multiple directions, improving the robustness of the counts and allowing avoiding the manufacturing of continuous thin sections along sediment sequence.

As to the thickness measurement, the µCT analyses were made in two perpendicular directions. Not surprisingly, measurements made on the same cutting plane as the thin section are quite similar to the ones made on the latter. However, there are significant differences with measurements made on the perpendicular plane. This highlights the need to perform varve thickness measurements in at least two perpendicular directions for better estimates of varved sediment thicknesses. In addition, the study illustrates that µCT is an effective way to select the least deformed zones with parallel varves to carry out the best possible thickness measurements.

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Marie-Eugénie Meusseunan Pascale Jamba, Pierre Francus, Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, and Guillaume St-Onge

Status: open (until 06 Oct 2024)

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Marie-Eugénie Meusseunan Pascale Jamba, Pierre Francus, Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, and Guillaume St-Onge
Marie-Eugénie Meusseunan Pascale Jamba, Pierre Francus, Antoine Gagnon-Poiré, and Guillaume St-Onge


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Short summary
This article presents a non-destructive method for studying laminated sediments with X-ray computed tomography (μCT). It aims to study the possibility of using μCT as an analytical tool to analyse varved sediments in the context of paleoclimatic studies. As results, µCT offers the possibility of to do fasts analysis and constitutes a powerful tool to improve the quality of results through the access of a 3D view allowing choosing the most representative part of varved record.