14 Aug 2024
 | 14 Aug 2024

Causal Analysis of Aerosol Impacts on Isolated Deep Convection: Findings from TRACER

Dié Wang, Roni Kobrosly, Tao Zhang, Tamanna Subba, Susan van den Heever, Siddhant Gupta, and Michael Jensen

Abstract. This study employs a novel application of causal machine learning, specifically g-computation, to quantify aerosol effects on deep convective clouds (DCCs). Focusing on isolated DCCs in the Houston-Galveston region, we leverage comprehensive ground-based observations from the TRacking Aerosol Convection interactions ExpeRiment (TRACER) to estimate aerosol influences on convective core depth, intensity, and area. Our results reveal that greater aerosol number concentrations generally have a limited impact on convective core echo top height (ETH), with an increase of about 1 km (13 % of average ETH). This effect is observed under specific conditions, particularly when ultrafine particles are activated in updraft regions. Additionally, greater aerosol levels correspond to increased convective core intensity and area, though these changes remain within radar measurement uncertainties. In DCCs associated with sea breezes, aerosol effects are more pronounced, resulting in a 1.4 km deepening of ETH. However, this heightened effect could be attributed to the exclusion of key confounders such as boundary layer updrafts in the causal model. This study pioneers the application of causal machine learning to explore aerosol-convection interactions, shedding light on unraveling complex interplay between aerosols and meteorological variables.

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Dié Wang, Roni Kobrosly, Tao Zhang, Tamanna Subba, Susan van den Heever, Siddhant Gupta, and Michael Jensen

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2436', Toshi Matsui, 30 Aug 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-2436', Anonymous Referee #2, 28 Sep 2024
Dié Wang, Roni Kobrosly, Tao Zhang, Tamanna Subba, Susan van den Heever, Siddhant Gupta, and Michael Jensen
Dié Wang, Roni Kobrosly, Tao Zhang, Tamanna Subba, Susan van den Heever, Siddhant Gupta, and Michael Jensen


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Short summary
We use a new method to understand how tiny particles in the air, called aerosols, affect rain clouds in the Houston-Galveston area. Aerosols generally do not make these clouds grow much taller, with an average height increase of about 1 km under certain conditions. However, their effects on rainfall strength and cloud expansion are less certain. Clouds influenced by sea breezes show a stronger aerosol impact, possibly due to unaccounted factors like vertical winds in near-surface layers.