09 Sep 2024
 | 09 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

How to reduce sampling errors in spaceborne cloud radar-based snowfall estimates

Filippo Emilio Scarsi, Alessandro Battaglia, Maximilian Maahn, and Stef Lhermitte

Abstract. Snowfall is an important climate change indicator affecting surface albedo, glaciers, sea ice, freshwater storage, cloud lifetime and ecosystems. Precise snowfall measurements at high latitudes are particularly important for the estimation of the mass balance of ice sheets; however, the snowfall is difficult to quantify with in-situ measurements in those locations. In this context, spaceborne radar and radiometers atmospheric missions can help in the assessment of snowfall at high latitudes.

The decommissioned NASA CloudSat mission provided invaluable information about global snowfall climatology from 2006 to 2023. The CloudSat-based estimates of global snowfall are considered the reference for global snowfall estimates, but these data suffer from poor sampling and the inability to see shallow precipitation, which limits their use, for example, as input to surface mass balance models of the major ice sheets. WIVERN (WInd VElocity Radar Nephoscope), one of the ESA Earth Explorer 11 candidate missions (final selection in July 2025), is equipped with a conical scanning 94 GHz Doppler radar and a passive 94 GHz radiometer, with the main objective of measuring global in-cloud horizontal winds, but also quantifying cloud ice water content and precipitation rate. Its conically scanning system, with a 42° incidence angle is expected to reduce the radar blind zone near the surface (especially over the ocean) and allows the mission to have a swath width of 800 km and 70 times more sampled points than a fixed looking instrument. This radar measurements tackle the current uncertainties in snowfall estimates, highly improving the sampling frequency and accuracy of snowfall measurements.

The uncertainty in snowfall measurements arises from various factors, including the diurnal cycle, uncertainty in the Z-S relationship and the sampling error. This study quantifies each of these contributors individually and demonstrates the improved sampling capabilities of the WIVERN conically scanning geometry for some specific regions (Antarctica, Greenland) by computing the sampling error at different spatial and temporal scales via simulations of WIVERN vs. CloudSat orbits and scanning geometry, based on the snowfall rates produced by ERA5 reanalysis.

Results show that a WIVERN-like conically scanning system significantly reduces the uncertainty in polar snowfall estimates, if compared to a CloudSat-like near nadir fixed viewing geometry. While CloudSat generates acceptable errors at the annual zonal scales, WIVERN can produce estimates within the climatological variability for latitude-longitude domain larger than 0.5° x 0.5° already at the 10-day timescale, making it a valuable product for regional climate model evaluation and as an input to surface mass balance models of the major ice sheets and glaciers.

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Filippo Emilio Scarsi, Alessandro Battaglia, Maximilian Maahn, and Stef Lhermitte

Status: open (until 07 Nov 2024)

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Filippo Emilio Scarsi, Alessandro Battaglia, Maximilian Maahn, and Stef Lhermitte
Filippo Emilio Scarsi, Alessandro Battaglia, Maximilian Maahn, and Stef Lhermitte


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Short summary
Snowfall measurements at high latitudes are crucial for estimating ice sheet mass balance. Spaceborne radar and radiometer missions help estimate snowfall but face uncertainties. This work evaluates uncertainties in snowfall estimates from a fixed near-nadir radar (CloudSat-like) and a conically scanning radar (WIVERN-like), determining that WIVERN will provide much better estimates than CloudSat, and at much smaller spatial and temporal scales.