12 Dec 2023
 | 12 Dec 2023

A revised parameterization for aerosol, cloud and precipitation pH for use in chemical forecasting systems (EQSAM4Clim-v12)

Swen Metzger, Samuel Rémy, Jason E. Williams, Vincent Huijnen, and Johannes Flemming

Abstract. The Equilibrium Simplified Aerosol Model for Climate version 12 (EQSAM4Clim-v12) has recently been revised to provide an accurate and efficient method for calculating the acidity of atmospheric particles. EQSAM4Clim is based on an analytical concept that is not only sufficiently fast for numerical weather prediction (NWP) applications, but also free of numerical noise, which makes it attractive also for air quality forecasting. EQSAM4Clim allows the calculation of aerosol composition based on the gas-liquid-solid and the reduced gas-liquid partitioning with the associated water uptake for both cases, and can therefore provide important information about the acidity of the aerosols. Here we provide a comprehensive description of the recent changes made to the aerosol acidity parameterization (referred to a version 12) which builds on the original EQSAM4Clim. We evaluate the pH improvements using a detailed box-model and compare against previous model calculations and both ground-based and aircraft observations from US and China covering different seasons and scenarios. We show that, in most cases, the simulated pH is within reasonable agreement with the results of the E-AIM reference model and of satisfactory accuracy.

Swen Metzger, Samuel Rémy, Jason E. Williams, Vincent Huijnen, and Johannes Flemming

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-2930, better title?', Anonymous Referee #1, 15 Jan 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2023-2930', Anonymous Referee #2, 23 Jan 2024
Swen Metzger, Samuel Rémy, Jason E. Williams, Vincent Huijnen, and Johannes Flemming

Data sets

The EQSAM Box Model (for eqsam4clim-v12) Swen Metzger

Swen Metzger, Samuel Rémy, Jason E. Williams, Vincent Huijnen, and Johannes Flemming


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Short summary
EQSAM4Clim has recently been revised to provide an accurate and efficient method for calculating the acidity of atmospheric particles. It is based on an analytical concept that is sufficiently fast and free of numerical noise, which makes it attractive for air quality forecasting. Version 12 allows the calculation of aerosol composition based on the gas-liquid-solid and the reduced gas-liquid partitioning with the associated water uptake for both cases, including the acidity of the aerosols.