24 Jan 2025
 | 24 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Ozone (O3) observations in Saxony, Germany for 1997–2020: Trends, modelling and implications for O3 control

Yaru Wang, Dominik van Pinxteren, Andreas Tilgner, Erik Hans Hoffmann, Max Hell, Susanne Bastian, and Hartmut Herrmann

Abstract. Given its importance for human health, vegetation, and the climate, the trends of ground-level ozone (O3) concentrations in eastern Germany were systematically analysed making use of the long-term O3 data from 16 measurement stations. The findings indicate that despite reductions in NOx concentrations across all sites, O3 pollution in Saxony has in fact worsened over the past 10 years, especially in densely populated urban areas. The strongest O3 trend is observed at a traffic-dominated station, with an annual ozone increase of 1.2 µg m-3 year-1 (or 3.5 % year-1), while urban and rural background stations show more moderate rises, of, on average, 0.5 µg m-3 year-1 (or 1.1 % year-1) over the last decade.

To diagnose O3 formation and the controlling effects of NOx and VOCs over the past decades in this target region, for the first time, detailed photochemical box modelling was performed by means of the complex MCM (Master Chemical Mechanism). Analysis of isopleth diagrams for two seasons indicates that O3 formation was predominantly VOC-limited at traffic and urban sites from 2000 to 2019. The observed rise in O3 levels suggests that current efforts to reduce total non-methane volatile organic compound (TNMVOC, including NMVOCs and oxygenated VOCs) emissions and NOx from various sources unfortunately remain insufficient. Based on anthropogenic and biogenic emission data, we recommend that continued NOx abatement and further additional VOCs controls, with a focus on solvent use, be implemented in densely populated areas to mitigate O3 pollution in the coming years.

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Yaru Wang, Dominik van Pinxteren, Andreas Tilgner, Erik Hans Hoffmann, Max Hell, Susanne Bastian, and Hartmut Herrmann

Status: open (until 10 Mar 2025)

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Yaru Wang, Dominik van Pinxteren, Andreas Tilgner, Erik Hans Hoffmann, Max Hell, Susanne Bastian, and Hartmut Herrmann
Yaru Wang, Dominik van Pinxteren, Andreas Tilgner, Erik Hans Hoffmann, Max Hell, Susanne Bastian, and Hartmut Herrmann


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Short summary
Tropospheric ground-level ozone (O3) is a global air-quality pollutant and greenhouse gas. Long-term O3 trends from 16 stations in Saxony, Germany, were compared over three periods, revealing worsened O3 pollution over the last decade. O3 formation has been volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited at traffic and urban sites for the past 20 years. To mitigate O3 pollution, moderate nitrogen oxides and additional VOC controls, particularly in solvent use, should be prioritized in the coming years.