15 Jan 2025
 | 15 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Different responses of cold-air outbreak clouds to aerosol and ice production depending on cloud temperature

Xinyi Huang, Paul R. Field, Benjamin J. Murray, Daniel P. Grosvenor, Floortje van den Heuvel, and Kenneth S. Carslaw

Abstract. Aerosol-cloud interactions and ice production processes are important factors that influence mixed-phase cold-air outbreak (CAO) clouds and their contribution to cloud-phase feedback. Our current understanding is that increases in ice-nucleating particle (INP) concentrations cause a reduction in cloud total water content and reflectivity. However, no study has compared the sensitivities of the CAO cloud to these processes under different environmental conditions. Here, we use a high-resolution nested model to quantify and compare the responses of cloud microphysics and dynamics in cloud droplet number concentration (Nd), INP concentration and efficiency of the Hallet-Mossop (HM) secondary ice production process in two archetypal CAO events over the Labrador Sea, representing intense (cold, March) and weaker (warmer, October) mixed-phase conditions. Our results show that variations in INP concentrations strongly influence both cases, while changing Nd and the HM process efficiency affect only the warmer October case. With a higher INP concentration, cloud cover and albedo at the top of the atmosphere increase in the cold March case, while the opposite responses were found in the warm October case. We suggest that the CAO cloud response to the parameters is different in ice-dominated and liquid-dominated regimes, and the determination of the regime is strongly controlled by the cloud temperature and the characteristics of ambient INP, which both control the glaciation of clouds. This study provides an instructive perspective to understand how these cloud microphysics affect CAO clouds under different environmental conditions and serves as an important basis for future exploration of cloud microphysics parameter space.

Competing interests: KSC is an executive editor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Xinyi Huang, Paul R. Field, Benjamin J. Murray, Daniel P. Grosvenor, Floortje van den Heuvel, and Kenneth S. Carslaw

Status: open (until 26 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-4070', Anonymous Referee #1, 12 Feb 2025 reply
Xinyi Huang, Paul R. Field, Benjamin J. Murray, Daniel P. Grosvenor, Floortje van den Heuvel, and Kenneth S. Carslaw

Data sets

Model data used for figures in paper submitted to ACP "Different responses of cold-air outbreak clouds to aerosol and ice production depending on cloud temperature" Xinyi Huang

Xinyi Huang, Paul R. Field, Benjamin J. Murray, Daniel P. Grosvenor, Floortje van den Heuvel, and Kenneth S. Carslaw


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Short summary
Cold-air outbreak (CAO) clouds play a vital role in climate prediction. This study explores the responses of CAO clouds to aerosols and ice production under different environmental conditions. We found that CAO cloud responses vary with cloud temperature and are strongly controlled by the liquid-ice partitioning in these clouds, suggesting the importance of good representations of cloud microphysics properties to predict the behaviours of CAO clouds in a warming climate.