23 Jan 2025
 | 23 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

Review article: Using spaceborne lidar for snow depth retrievals: Recent findings and utility for global hydrologic applications

Zachary Fair, Carrie Vuyovich, Thomas Neumann, Justin Pflug, David Shean, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Karina Zikan, Hannah Besso, Jessica Lundquist, Cesar Deschamps-Berger, and Désirée Treichler

Abstract. Lidar is an effective tool to measure snow depth over key watersheds across the United States. Lidar-derived snow depth observations from airborne platforms have demonstrated centimeter-level accuracy at high spatial resolution. However, ground-based and airborne lidar surveys are costly and limited in space and time. In recent years, there has been an emerging interest in using spaceborne lidar to estimate snow depth. Preliminary results from spaceborne lidar altimeters such as the NASA Ice, Cloud, and Land Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2) ca provide routine snow depth retrievals over watersheds, though further research on accuracy, coverage, and operational potential is needed. In this review, we outline the current status of research using spaceborne lidar to derive snow depth. We focus on the currently operational ICESat-2 mission, with a summary of snow observations gathered from recent studies. We also outline best practices for spaceborne lidar snow depth retrieval, based on findings from recent studies. We conclude with a discussion of ongoing challenges for spaceborne lidar, with suggestions for future studies and requirements for future mission concepts.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Zachary Fair, Carrie Vuyovich, Thomas Neumann, Justin Pflug, David Shean, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Karina Zikan, Hannah Besso, Jessica Lundquist, Cesar Deschamps-Berger, and Désirée Treichler

Status: open (until 10 Mar 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Zachary Fair, Carrie Vuyovich, Thomas Neumann, Justin Pflug, David Shean, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Karina Zikan, Hannah Besso, Jessica Lundquist, Cesar Deschamps-Berger, and Désirée Treichler
Zachary Fair, Carrie Vuyovich, Thomas Neumann, Justin Pflug, David Shean, Ellyn M. Enderlin, Karina Zikan, Hannah Besso, Jessica Lundquist, Cesar Deschamps-Berger, and Désirée Treichler


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Short summary
Lidar is commonly used to measure snow over global water reservoirs. However, ground-based and airborne lidar surveys are expensive, so satellite-based methods are needed. In this review, we outline the latest research using satellite-based lidar to monitor snow. Best practices for lidar-based snow monitoring are given, as is a discussion on challenges in this field of research.