17 Jan 2025
 | 17 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

A new method for large scale snow depth estimates using Sentinel-1 and ICESat-2

Rasmus Meyer, Mathias Preisler Schødt, Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen, Jonas Kvist Andersen, Mads Dømgaard, and Anders Anker Bjørk

Abstract. Knowledge about seasonal snow accumulation is important for managing water resources, but accurate estimates of snow depth at a high spatiotemporal resolution are sparse, especially in mountainous regions. In this paper, we outline a novel approach to estimate snow depths using Sentinel-1 C-band synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and ICESat-2 LiDAR observations. Specifically, we estimate snow depths at 500-meter spatial resolution by correlating increase in Sentinel-1 volume scattering with snow depths derived using ICESat-2. Sentinel-1’s vast spatial coverage and frequent 6/12-day revisit cycle makes it promising for monitoring seasonal snow accumulation, but capturing the volume scattering signal within a dry snowpack and relating it to snow depth remains challenging. Using ICESat-2, we retrieve thousands of high accuracy snow depth observations covering the Southern Norwegian Mountains. ICESat-2 has a low revisit time of three months, but by matching observations with the temporally nearest Sentinel-1 scene, we significantly enhance spatiotemporal resolution. Our results demonstrate that our ICESat-2 calibrated Sentinel-1 snow depths can estimate snowfall magnitudes in deep dry snow (>0.6 meters), achieving an accuracy of 0.5–0.7 meters, significantly improving estimates made by the SeNorge snow model in remote mountainous regions. This study highlights the potential of utilizing ICESat-2 to derive Sentinel-1 snow depths, improving snow monitoring capabilities in data-sparse regions.

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Rasmus Meyer, Mathias Preisler Schødt, Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen, Jonas Kvist Andersen, Mads Dømgaard, and Anders Anker Bjørk

Status: open (until 04 Mar 2025)

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Rasmus Meyer, Mathias Preisler Schødt, Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen, Jonas Kvist Andersen, Mads Dømgaard, and Anders Anker Bjørk
Rasmus Meyer, Mathias Preisler Schødt, Mikkel Lydholm Rasmussen, Jonas Kvist Andersen, Mads Dømgaard, and Anders Anker Bjørk


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Short summary
Understanding snow accumulation is important for water resource management, but measurements of snow depth in mountainous regions are sparse. We introduce a novel satellite-based approach to estimate snow depth for deep snow in mountainous regions by combining two types of satellite data: radar images and laser surface height measurements. Results suggest that our method more accurately estimate the magnitude of snowfall compared to modelled data over the Southern Norwegian Mountains.