16 Jan 2025
 | 16 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for The Cryosphere (TC).

A random forest derived 35-year snow phenology record reveals climate trends in the Yukon River Basin

Caleb G. Pan, Kristofer Lasko, John S. Kimball, Jinyang Du, Tate G. Meehan, Peter B. Kirchner, and Sean P. Griffin

Abstract. This study presents a 35-year snow phenology record for the Yukon River Basin (YRB), developed using a Random Forest (RF) model at a 3.125 km resolution, capturing detailed trends in snowmelt onset and snowoff. The RF model, incorporating dynamic daily variables, improves upon traditional threshold-based methods by reducing sensitivity to transient thaw events and atmospheric noise. Model evaluation against station observations yielded a mean absolute error (MAE) of 11.6 days and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 14.9 days for snowmelt onset. For snowoff, the model achieved a MAE of 18.1 days and an RMSE of 21.3 days. This approach successfully mapped snow phenology across the diverse YRB landscape, providing valuable insight into how variations in snow cover align with regional climate patterns. Challenges such as sample bias due to limited ground-based data coverage highlight the need for expanding in-situ measurements, to improve model performance further. Trend analysis segmented by two timeframes, 1988–2005 and 2006–2023, revealed distinct climate impacts on snow phenology. During 1988–2005, high snowfall and stable temperatures resulted in hastened snowmelt onset and lengthened snowmelt durations, reflecting early-season snow abundance. In contrast, from 2006–2023, warming spring and summer temperatures corresponded with progressively earlier snowmelt onset and snowoff. These shifts in snowmelt patterns align with a lengthened snow-free season, indicating increasing influence of warmer temperatures on the snowpack. This RF-derived dataset provides an essential tool for tracking climate-driven snow changes, offering insights into hydrologic and ecologic dynamics in the YRB under accelerating climate change.

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Caleb G. Pan, Kristofer Lasko, John S. Kimball, Jinyang Du, Tate G. Meehan, Peter B. Kirchner, and Sean P. Griffin

Status: open (until 07 Mar 2025)

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Caleb G. Pan, Kristofer Lasko, John S. Kimball, Jinyang Du, Tate G. Meehan, Peter B. Kirchner, and Sean P. Griffin
Caleb G. Pan, Kristofer Lasko, John S. Kimball, Jinyang Du, Tate G. Meehan, Peter B. Kirchner, and Sean P. Griffin


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Short summary
This study examines 35 years of snow cover changes in Alaska’s Yukon River Basin using machine learning to track snowmelt timing and disappearance. Results show snow is melting earlier and disappearing faster due to rising temperatures, highlighting the effects of climate change on water resources, ecosystems, and communities. The findings improve understanding of snow dynamics and provide critical insights for addressing climate-driven challenges in the region.