06 Jan 2025
 | 06 Jan 2025
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Measurement Techniques (AMT).

Determination of pressure baseline corrections for clumped-isotope signals with complex peak shapes

Stephan Räss, Peter Nyfeler, Paul Wheeler, Will Price, and Markus Christian Leuenberger

Abstract. Pressure baseline corrections have been proposed to mitigate pressure-dependent background effects and reduce the apparent dependence of Δ47 on δ47 (non-linearity) observed in clumped-isotope studies of CO2. In this work, we describe the determination of pressure baseline corrections for signals whose peak tops vary considerably across their width. Our study focuses on peaks with very small signal-to-baseline ratios (1.005 to 1.025) generated by the clumped isotopes 17O18O (linearly increasing peak top) and 18O18O (negatively curved peak top). The measurements were all performed in pure-oxygen gas using the compact, low-mass-resolution Elementar isoprime precisION Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer. We demonstrate that our corrections significantly reduce the influence of secondary electrons and that the adjusted clumped-isotope signals correctly increase with signal intensity. Furthermore, we extensively discuss correction procedures of varying complexity and explain why the best results were obtained by predicting multiple background values from the corresponding on-peak signals. Through this approach, we typically achieved standard deviations around 1 · 10-9 (35/32), 0.2 ‰ (δ35), 0.5 ‰ (Δ35), 7 · 10-9 (36/32), 0.1 ‰ (δ36) and 0.1 ‰ (Δ36) for at least 120 intervals (20 s integration). For the capital delta values, this corresponds to standard errors of the mean of less than 0.05 ‰, achieved with a total integration and analysis time of approximately 40 min and 6 h, respectively. We also show that the uncertainties of certain measurement parameters can be further reduced by optimising the measurement position (acceleration voltage) and applying additional drift corrections. For instance, for 35/32- and 36/32-related parameters we observed improvements of up to 1 order of magnitude and a factor of 7, respectively. Based on Monte Carlo simulations, we also show that the main uncertainties in our capital delta values are related to the on-peak signals, predicted backgrounds and the peak top curvature (only for Δ36). Additionally, we present a brief study on the influence of pressure baseline corrections on major oxygen-isotope ratios and their delta values. While these corrections had an insignificant effect on their uncertainties, the absolute values of 33/32 and 34/32 changed markedly.

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Stephan Räss, Peter Nyfeler, Paul Wheeler, Will Price, and Markus Christian Leuenberger

Status: open (until 11 Feb 2025)

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Stephan Räss, Peter Nyfeler, Paul Wheeler, Will Price, and Markus Christian Leuenberger
Stephan Räss, Peter Nyfeler, Paul Wheeler, Will Price, and Markus Christian Leuenberger


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Short summary
Clumped-isotope signals obtained through gas-source mass spectrometry are typically small and require pressure baseline corrections. While such corrections have been developed for square-shaped peaks, we present an approach for correcting peaks with complex shapes. Our method is demonstrated using oxygen clumped isotopes measured in pure oxygen, where the peak tops are linearly increasing and/or negatively curved.