15 May 2024
 | 15 May 2024

Effect of straw retention and mineral fertilization on P speciation and P-transformation microorganisms in water extractable colloids of a Vertisol

Shanshan Bai, Yifei Ge, Dongtan Yao, Yifan Wang, Jinfang Tan, Shuai Zhang, Yutao Peng, and Xiaoqian Jiang

Abstract. Water extractable colloids (WECs) serve as crucial micro particulate components in soils, playing a vital role in the cycling and potential bioavailability of soil phosphorus (P). Yet, the underlying information regarding soil P species and P-transformation microorganisms at the microparticle scale under long-term straw retention and mineral fertilization is barely known. Here, a fixed field experiment (~13 years) in a Vertisol was performed to explore the impacts of straw retention and mineral fertilization on inorganic P, organic P and P-transformation microorganisms in bulk soils and WECs by sequential extraction procedure, P K-edge X-ray absorptions near-edge structure (XANES), 31P nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and metagenomics analysis. In bulk soil, mineral fertilization led to increases in the levels of total P, available P, acid phosphatase (ACP), high-activity inorganic P fractions (Ca2-P, Ca8-P, Al-P, and Fe-P) and organic P (orthophosphate monoesters and orthophosphate diesters), but significantly decreased the abundances of P cycling genes including P mineralization, P-starvation response regulation, P-uptake and transport by decreasing soil pH and increasing P in bulk soil. Straw retention had no significant effects on P species and P-transformation microorganisms in bulk soils but brought increases for organic carbon, total P, available P concentrations in WECs. Furthermore, straw retention caused greater change in P cycling genes between WECs and bulk soils compared with the effect of mineral fertilization. The abundances of phoD gene and phoD-harbouring Proteobacteria in WECs increased significantly under straw retention, suggesting that the P mineralizing capacity increased. Thus, straw retention could potentially accelerate the turnover, mobility and availability of P by increasing the nutrient contents and P mineralizing capacity in microscopic colloidal scale.

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Shanshan Bai, Yifei Ge, Dongtan Yao, Yifan Wang, Jinfang Tan, Shuai Zhang, Yutao Peng, and Xiaoqian Jiang

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-983', Anonymous Referee #1, 06 Jun 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-983', Anonymous Referee #2, 07 Jun 2024
Shanshan Bai, Yifei Ge, Dongtan Yao, Yifan Wang, Jinfang Tan, Shuai Zhang, Yutao Peng, and Xiaoqian Jiang
Shanshan Bai, Yifei Ge, Dongtan Yao, Yifan Wang, Jinfang Tan, Shuai Zhang, Yutao Peng, and Xiaoqian Jiang


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Short summary
Mineral fertilization led to increases in total P, available P, high-activity inorganic P fractions and organic P, but decreased the abundances of P cycling genes by decreasing soil pH and increasing P in bulk soil. Straw retention brought increases for organic C, total P, available P concentrations in water-extractable colloids (WECs). Abundances of phoD gene and phoD-harbouring Proteobacteria in WECs increased under straw retention, suggesting that the P mineralizing capacity increased.