20 Dec 2024
 | 20 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

A 60-year atmospheric nitrate isotope record from a Southeast Greenland ice core with minimal post-depositional alteration

Zhao Wei, Shohei Hattori, Asuka Tsuruta, Zhuang Jiang, Sakiko Ishino, Koji Fujita, Sumito Matoba, Lei Geng, Alexis Lamothe, Ryu Uemura, Naohiro Yoshida, Joel Savarino, and Yoshinori Iizuka

Abstract. Stable isotopes of atmospheric nitrate (NO3) are valuable tools for tracing nitrogen sources and processes; however, their signals in ice core records are often disrupted by post-depositional processes. The ice core from the southeastern Dome (SE-Dome) in Greenland is a potential record of variations in atmospheric chemistry that has experienced less post-depositional effects owing to a high accumulation rate (~1 m w e a−1). Herein, we report 60-year (1959–2014) δ15N(NO3) and Δ17O(NO3) records from the SE-Dome ice core. δ15N(NO3) decreased from 1960 to 1974 and exhibited clear seasonal changes (high in summer and low in winter). Δ17O(NO3) did not exhibit any significant long-term trends, but did contain seasonal patterns. The mass-weighted annual average of δ15N(NO3) values in the SE-Dome core were 4.2 ± 2.8 ‰ lower than those in the Greenland Summit ice core between 1959–2006. The Transfer of Atmospheric Nitrate Stable Isotopes To the Snow (TRANSITS) model under the SE-Dome condition estimated changes of only 0.9 ‰ in δ15N(NO3) and −0.2 ‰ in Δ17O(NO3) from the initial deposition. Although differences in the source of NO3 cannot be discounted, the lower δ15N(NO3) values observed at the SE-Dome compared to the Summit were likely due to reduced post-depositional alteration. Therefore, the SE-Dome ice core NO3 record offers a precise reconstruction of NOx emissions and atmospheric oxidation chemistry during transport, preserving records from both North America and Western Europe, thereby providing reliable insight into atmospheric nitrogen cycling.

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Zhao Wei, Shohei Hattori, Asuka Tsuruta, Zhuang Jiang, Sakiko Ishino, Koji Fujita, Sumito Matoba, Lei Geng, Alexis Lamothe, Ryu Uemura, Naohiro Yoshida, Joel Savarino, and Yoshinori Iizuka

Status: open (until 20 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3937', Matthew Johnson, 20 Jan 2025 reply
Zhao Wei, Shohei Hattori, Asuka Tsuruta, Zhuang Jiang, Sakiko Ishino, Koji Fujita, Sumito Matoba, Lei Geng, Alexis Lamothe, Ryu Uemura, Naohiro Yoshida, Joel Savarino, and Yoshinori Iizuka
Zhao Wei, Shohei Hattori, Asuka Tsuruta, Zhuang Jiang, Sakiko Ishino, Koji Fujita, Sumito Matoba, Lei Geng, Alexis Lamothe, Ryu Uemura, Naohiro Yoshida, Joel Savarino, and Yoshinori Iizuka


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Short summary
Nitrate isotope records in ice cores reveal changes in NOₓ emissions, atmospheric acidity, and oxidation chemistry driven by human activity. However, nitrate in snow can be altered by UV-driven post-depositional processes, making snow accumulation rates critical for preserving these records. This study examines nitrate isotopes in an SE-Dome ice core, where high snow accumulation minimizes these effects, providing a reliable archive of atmospheric nitrogen cycling.