19 Dec 2024
 | 19 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Ice Nucleating Properties of Glassy Organic and Organosulfate Aerosol

Christopher Nathan Rapp, Sining Niu, N. Cazimir Armstrong, Xiaoli Shen, Thomas Berkemeier, Jason D. Surratt, Yue Zhang, and Daniel J. Cziczo

Abstract. The role of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) in atmospheric ice nucleation is not well understood, limiting accurate predictions of aerosol-indirect effects in global climate simulations. This article details experiments performed to characterize the ice nucleating properties of proxy SOA. Experimental techniques in conditioning aerosol to glass transition temperatures (Tg) as low as -70 °C using a pre-cooling unit are described. Ice nucleation measurements of proxy organosulfates and citric acid were performed using the SPectrometer for Ice Nucleation (SPIN) operating at conditions relevant to upper tropospheric cirrus temperatures (-45 °C, -40 °C, -35 °C) and ice supersaturations (1.0 < Sice < 1.6). Citric acid was used as a control. Methyl, ethyl, and dodecyl organosulfates did not nucleate ice, despite dodecyl organosulfate possessing a Tg higher than ambient temperature. Citric acid nucleated ice heterogeneously at -45 and -40 °C (1.2 < Sice < 1.4), but required pre-cooling temperatures of -70 °C, notably colder than the lowest published Tg. A kinetic flux model was used to numerically estimate water diffusion timescales to verify experimental observations and predict aerosol phase state. Diffusion modeling showed rapid liquefaction of glassy methyl and ethyl organosulfates due to high hygroscopicity, preventing heterogeneous ice nucleation. The modeling results suggest that citric acid nucleated ice heterogeneously via deposition freezing or immersion freezing after surface liquefaction. We conclude that Tg alone is not sufficient in predicting heterogeneous ice formation for proxy SOA using the SPIN.

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Christopher Nathan Rapp, Sining Niu, N. Cazimir Armstrong, Xiaoli Shen, Thomas Berkemeier, Jason D. Surratt, Yue Zhang, and Daniel J. Cziczo

Status: open (until 30 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Christopher Nathan Rapp, Sining Niu, N. Cazimir Armstrong, Xiaoli Shen, Thomas Berkemeier, Jason D. Surratt, Yue Zhang, and Daniel J. Cziczo
Christopher Nathan Rapp, Sining Niu, N. Cazimir Armstrong, Xiaoli Shen, Thomas Berkemeier, Jason D. Surratt, Yue Zhang, and Daniel J. Cziczo
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 19 Dec 2024
Short summary
Atmospheric ice formation is initiated by particulate matter suspended in air and has profound impacts on Earth’s climate. This study focuses on examining the effectiveness of ice formation by a subset of particles composed of organic and sulfate. We used experiments and computer modeling to obtain the result that these particles are not effective ice nuclei, suggesting molecular structure is important for ice formation on these types of particles.