19 Dec 2024
 | 19 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Intermittency in fluid and MHD turbulence analyzed through the prism of moment scaling predictions of multifractal models

Annick Pouquet, Raffaele Marino, Helene Politano, Yannick Ponty, and Duane Rosenberg

Abstract. In the presence of waves due e.g. to gravity, rotation or a quasi-uniform magnetic field, energy transfer time-scales, spectra and physical structures within turbulent flows differ from the fully developed fluid case, but some features remain such as intermittency or quasi-parabolic behaviors of normalized moments of relevant fields. After reviewing some of the roles intermittency can play in various geophysical flows, we present results of direct numerical simulations at moderate resolution and run for long times. We show that the power-law scaling relations between kurtosis K and skewness S found in multiple and diverse environments can be recovered using existing multifractal intermittency frameworks. In the specific context of the She-Lévêque model (1994) generalized to MHD and developed as a two-parameter system in Politano and Pouquet (1995), we find that a parabolic K (S) law can be recovered for maximal intermittency involving the most extreme dissipative structures.

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Annick Pouquet, Raffaele Marino, Helene Politano, Yannick Ponty, and Duane Rosenberg

Status: open (until 13 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Annick Pouquet, Raffaele Marino, Helene Politano, Yannick Ponty, and Duane Rosenberg
Annick Pouquet, Raffaele Marino, Helene Politano, Yannick Ponty, and Duane Rosenberg
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 19 Dec 2024
Short summary
Turbulence is found in many systems in geophysics and beyond. We concentrate on normalized moments of complex fields (velocity or magnetic field) and study their scaling using either numerical simulations run for long times or theoretical models of intermittent flows. We confirm previous findings and show that in fact only the strongest intermittent structure counts for which a parabolic law is recovered. More computations will be performed, likely using simplified models.