19 Dec 2024
 | 19 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Ocean Science (OS).

Decoding pelagic ciliate (Protozoa, Ciliophora) community divergences in size spectrum, biodiversity and driving factors spanning global five temperature zones

Chaofeng Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Guangfu Luo, Xiaoyu Wang, Yan He, Musheng Lan, Tiancheng Zhang, and Wuchang Zhang

Abstract. Community structure of microzooplanktonic ciliate in size spectrum, biodiversity and biotic-abiotic interplay are essential components for unraveling their ecological role in marine ecosystems, yet remain challenging to elucidate on a global scale. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted field observational studies across five temperature zones (North Frigid Zone, NFZ; Sub-Arctic Zone, SAZ; North Temperate Zone, NTZ; Torrid Zone, TZ; South Frigid Zone, SFZ). Our analysis revealed that a sharply decline in ciliate abundance and biomass occurred at 100 m layer, with distinct vertical distribution patterns observed in each climate region. Moreover, ciliate size spectra exhibited a decrease trend from small to large size spectra, with steeper slopes observed in the NFZ and SFZ compared to the other temperature zones. Furthermore, an anti-phase relationship between ciliate abundance and tintinnid biodiversity was observed in latitudinal direction, with the TZ and bipolar seas characterized by the highest biodiversity and abundance, respectively. Moreover, a multivariate biota-environment analysis indicated that temperature exert a primary influence on microzooplanktonic ciliates in the global marine ecosystem, and the bottom-up control play a key role in shaping ciliate community. In conclusion, these results underscore the unprecedented divergences in ciliate trait structure among five temperature zones and can be generalised for assessing the potential effects of climate change on pelagic microzooplankton in future marine realm.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Chaofeng Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Guangfu Luo, Xiaoyu Wang, Yan He, Musheng Lan, Tiancheng Zhang, and Wuchang Zhang

Status: open (until 26 Feb 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Chaofeng Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Guangfu Luo, Xiaoyu Wang, Yan He, Musheng Lan, Tiancheng Zhang, and Wuchang Zhang
Chaofeng Wang, Zhiqiang Xu, Guangfu Luo, Xiaoyu Wang, Yan He, Musheng Lan, Tiancheng Zhang, and Wuchang Zhang


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Short summary
Our study provides a comprehensive assessment of microzooplankton ciliate trait structure, focusing on size spectrum, biodiversity, and biotic-abiotic interplay based on 175 stations (1117 samples) across five temperature zones, which offered an ideal paradigm for study the plankton response to future climate change. The study is full fill the scope of the Ocean Science in the ocean's physical, biogeochemical and biological and ecosystem properties and processes.