09 Dec 2024
 | 09 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Faithful transfer of radiolarian silicon isotope signatures from water column to sediments in the South China Sea

Qiang Zhang, George Edward Alexander Swann, Vanessa Pashley, and Matthew S. A. Horstwood

Abstract. Radiolarian silicon isotopes (δ30Sirad) hold significant potential as a proxy for constraining past silicon cycling in seawater. However, the extent to which δ30Sirad signatures in sediments accurately represent the isotopic signals of the overlying water column remains unclear, particularly under the influence of radiolarian shell dissolution during sinking and burial in the sediment record. This study presents the first comparative analysis of δ30Sirad compositions and the radiolarian assemblage community using water column and surface sediment samples collected from the South China Sea. The results indicate that δ30Sirad values range from 1.56–1.83 ‰ (mean = 1.74 ‰) in the water column, and from 1.61–1.85 ‰ (mean = 1.73 ‰) in surface sediments. No significant discrepancies in δ30Sirad values were observed between plankton and sediment samples at each sampling station as evidenced by the paired t-test (p = 0.75), implying that dissolution has a minimal impact on δ30Sirad during the transfer of radiolarian shells to the sediment record. This finding may be enhanced by the dominance of more dissolution-resistant Spumellaria and Nassellaria taxa (>99 % relative abundance) within the radiolarian community, coupled with the scarcity or absence of the readily dissolvable radiolarian taxa in the analysed samples. This study demonstrates the faithful preservation of the δ30Sirad signature and its potential for studying past changes in the marine silicon cycle.

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Qiang Zhang, George Edward Alexander Swann, Vanessa Pashley, and Matthew S. A. Horstwood

Status: open (until 20 Jan 2025)

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Qiang Zhang, George Edward Alexander Swann, Vanessa Pashley, and Matthew S. A. Horstwood
Qiang Zhang, George Edward Alexander Swann, Vanessa Pashley, and Matthew S. A. Horstwood


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Short summary
We presents the first coupled record of radiolarian silicon isotopes (δ30Sirad) from paired water column and surface sediment samples in the South China Sea. No significant discrepancies in δ30Sirad values were observed between plankton and sediment samples, implying a minimal impact of dissolution on δ30Sirad during deposition of radiolarian shells. This demonstrates the faithful preservation of the δ30Sirad signature and its potential for studying past changes in the marine silicon cycle.