13 Nov 2024
 | 13 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Parameter Sensitivity Study of Energy Transfer Between Mesoscale Eddies and Wind-Induced Near-Inertial Oscillations

Yu Zhang, Jintao Gu, Shengli Chen, Jianyu Hu, Jinyu Sheng, and Jiuxing Xing

Abstract. Analyses of current observations and numerical simulations at two moorings in the northern South China Sea reveal the transfer of near-inertial energy between the background currents associated with mesoscale eddies and near-inertial currents (NICs). A series of numerical experiments are conducted to determine important parameters affecting the energy transfer between idealized mesoscale eddies and NICs generated by rotating winds. Speeds of NICs transferred by both cyclonic and anticyclonic mesoscale eddies increase linearly with the wind stress and eddy strength. The transferred NICs in anticyclonic eddies have current amplitudes of about six times larger than in cyclonic eddies. The translation speed of the mesoscale eddy and the wind rotation frequency also affect the conversion of NICs. The energy transfer rate is elevated with the increase of the positive Okubo-Weiss parameter. A simple theoretical analysis is conducted to verify our findings based on numerical results. Analytical solutions confirm the evident asymmetry of the energy transfer between anticyclonic and cyclonic eddies, and demonstrate quantitatively the relationship between the wind stress and the near-inertial energy transferred by mesoscale eddies.

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Yu Zhang, Jintao Gu, Shengli Chen, Jianyu Hu, Jinyu Sheng, and Jiuxing Xing

Status: open (until 16 Jan 2025)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Yu Zhang, Jintao Gu, Shengli Chen, Jianyu Hu, Jinyu Sheng, and Jiuxing Xing
Yu Zhang, Jintao Gu, Shengli Chen, Jianyu Hu, Jinyu Sheng, and Jiuxing Xing


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Short summary
Current observations at two moorings in the northern South China Sea reveal that mesoscale eddies can transfer energy with near-inertial oscillations (NIOs). Numerical experiments are conducted to investigate important parameters affecting energy transfer between mesoscale eddies and NIOs, which demonstrate that the energy transferred by mesoscale eddies is larger with stronger winds and higher strength of the mesoscale eddy. Anticyclonic eddies can transfer more energy than cyclonic eddies.