Ambient and Intrinsic Dependencies of Evolving Ice-Phase Particles within a Decaying Winter Storm During IMPACTS
Abstract. Mesoscale bands develop within winter cyclones as concentrated regions of locally enhanced radar reflectivity, often producing intensified precipitation rates lasting several hours. Surface precipitation characteristics are governed by the microphysical properties of the ice-phase particles aloft, yet their unique microphysical evolutionary pathways and ambient environmental dependencies in banded regions remain poorly understood, in part due to a paucity of observations within natural clouds. Addressing this need, the Investigation of Microphysics and Precipitation for Atlantic Coast-Threatening Snowstorms recently measured properties of winter cyclones from airborne in situ and remote sensing platforms. Observations collected within a banded region of a decaying-stage northeast United States cyclone revealed a microphysical pathway characterized by precipitation fallout from a weak generating cell layer through an ~2 km deep subsaturated downdraft region. Sublimation was a dominant evolutionary process, resulting in > 70 % reduction of the initial ice water content (IWC). This vertical evolution was reproduced by a 1D particle-based model simulation constrained by observations, conveying accuracy in the process representation. Four sensitivity simulations assessed evolutionary dependencies based on observationally-informed perturbations of the ambient relative humidity, RH, and vertical air motion, w. Perturbations of ~2 % RH significantly varied the resultant IWC loss, as much as 29 %, whereas comparable perturbations of w had negligible effects. Intrinsic particle evolution during sublimation demonstrated a notable imprint on vertical profiles of radar reflectivity, but Doppler velocity was more strongly governed by the ambient w profile. These findings contextualize radar-based discrimination of sublimation from other ice-phase processes, including riming and aggregation.