04 Nov 2024
 | 04 Nov 2024

Light scattering and microphysical properties of atmospheric bullet rosette ice crystals

Shawn Wendell Wagner, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, Franziska Nehlert, and Emma Järvinen

Abstract. Cirrus clouds play a critical role in the Earth's radiative budget. The extent of the radiative impact of cirrus clouds is determined by a number of their physical properties, such as aspherical ice crystal composition. One of the most relevant cirrus ice crystal habits is a polycrystalline bullet rosette, where individual bullets are radiating from the same nucleation point. Here, the link between the crystal morphology of atmospheric bullet rosettes and their asymmetry parameter (g) is experimentally investigated using correlated high resolution in situ stereo-images of individual rosettes and their angular scattering functions measured by the airborne Particle Habit Imaging and Polar Scattering (PHIPS) cloud probe. Bullet rosette stereo-images are analyzed for their microphysical properties, including maximum dimension, bullet aspect ratio, number of bullets, projected area, bullet hollowness, derived mass, derived effective density and derived terminal velocity, as well as their optical properties such as g and optical complexity parameter. Results indicate that much lower g values represent real atmospheric bullet rosette crystals than what is expected by numerical calculations assuming solid or hollow bullets with smooth idealized surfaces, indicating higher levels of crystal complexity than have been previously incorporated within bullet rosette ray-tracing models.

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Shawn Wendell Wagner, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, Franziska Nehlert, and Emma Järvinen

Status: final response (author comments only)

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Shawn Wendell Wagner, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, Franziska Nehlert, and Emma Järvinen
Shawn Wendell Wagner, Martin Schnaiter, Guanglang Xu, Franziska Nehlert, and Emma Järvinen


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Short summary
Understanding the interaction between cirrus clouds and solar radiation is critical for modeling the Earth’s climate. A common crystal type found in cirrus clouds is the bullet rosette. Here, atmospheric bullet rosettes measured from jet aircraft are analyzed for their morphological and radiative properties. Atmospheric bullet rosettes are found to be more morphologically complex than previously assumed. This complexity has a significant impact on their radiative properties.