30 Oct 2024
 | 30 Oct 2024

Variability of CO2 and CH4 in a coastal peatland rewetted with brackish water from the Baltic Sea derived from autonomous high-resolution measurements

Daniel Pönisch, Henry C. Bittig, Martin Kolbe, Ingo Schuffenhauer, Stefan Otto, Peter Holtermann, Kusala Premaratne, and Gregor Rehder

Abstract. Rewetting peatlands is an important measure to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from land use change. After rewetting, the areas can be highly heterogeneous in terms of GHG exchange and depend on water level, vegetation, previous use, and duration of rewetting. Here, we present a study of a coastal peatland that was rewetted by brackish water from the Baltic Sea and thus became part of the coastal shallow Baltic Sea water system through a permanent hydrological connection. Rewetting suppresses carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by preventing aerobic decomposition of organic matter. Conversely, the anoxic conditions in the soil lead to an increase in methane (CH4) emissions, which counteracts CO2 mitigation effects. Unlike to rewetting with freshwater, the effects of rewetting with brackish, sulfate-containing water are less studied, although positive effects are expected as sulfate-reducing bacteria may become established and might out-compete methane-producing archaea (methanogens) for substrates, resulting in lower CH4 emissions. Both aspects, environmental heterogeneity and the brackish water column formation, require improved quantification techniques to assess local sinks and sources of atmospheric GHGs. We conducted nine weeks of autonomous and high-resolution, sensor-based bottom water measurements of marine physical and chemical variables at two locations in a permanently flooded peatland in summer 2021, and derived GHG fluxes. Results show considerable temporal fluctuations of CO2 and CH4, expressed as multi-day, diurnal and event-based variability and spatial differences for variables dominantly influenced by biological processes. The multi-day variability resulted in a pronounced magnitude of measured GHG partial pressures during the deployment ranging between 295.0–8937.8 µatm (CO2) and 22.8–2681.3 µatm (correspond to 42.7–3568.6 nmol L−1; CH4), respectively. In addition, the variability of the GHGs, temperature, and oxygen was characterized by pronounced diurnal cycles, resulting e.g., in a mean daily variability of 4066.9 µatm for CO2 and 1769.6 µatm for CH4. The diurnal variability led to a pronounced discrepancy between the measurements during the day and at night as well as depending on the location, resulting in CO2 and CH4 fluxes that varied by a factor of 2.1–2.3 and 2.3–3.0, respectively. The rewetted peatland was further impacted by fast system changes (events) such as storm, precipitation and major water level changes, which impacted biogeochemical cycling and GHG partial pressures. The derived average GHG exchange amounted to 0.12 ± 0.16 g m−2 h−1 (CO2) and 0.51 ± 0.56 mg m−2 h−1 (CH4), respectively. These fluxes are high (CO2) to low (CH4) compared to studies from temperate peatlands rewetted with freshwater. Comparing these fluxes with the previous year (i.e., results from a reference study), the fluxes decreased by a factor of 1.9 and 2.6, respectively. This was potentially due to a progressive consumption of organic material, a suppression of CH4 production, and aerobic and anaerobic oxidation of CH4, indicating a positive evolution of the rewetted peatland into a site with moderate GHG emissions within the next years.

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Daniel Pönisch, Henry C. Bittig, Martin Kolbe, Ingo Schuffenhauer, Stefan Otto, Peter Holtermann, Kusala Premaratne, and Gregor Rehder

Status: final response (author comments only)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3246', Anonymous Referee #1, 05 Dec 2024
  • RC2: 'Comment on egusphere-2024-3246', Anonymous Referee #2, 09 Dec 2024
Daniel Pönisch, Henry C. Bittig, Martin Kolbe, Ingo Schuffenhauer, Stefan Otto, Peter Holtermann, Kusala Premaratne, and Gregor Rehder
Daniel Pönisch, Henry C. Bittig, Martin Kolbe, Ingo Schuffenhauer, Stefan Otto, Peter Holtermann, Kusala Premaratne, and Gregor Rehder


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Short summary
Rewetted peatlands exhibit natural spatial and temporal biogeochemical heterogeneity, influenced by water level and vegetation. This study investigated the variability of the distribution of GHGs in a brackish-rewetted peatland. Two innovative sensor-equipped landers were used to measure a wide range of marine physicochemical variables at high temporal resolution. The measurements revealed strong fluctuations in CO2 and CH4, expressed as multi-day, diurnal and event-based variability.