15 Nov 2024
 | 15 Nov 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Estimation of diurnal emissions of CO2 from thermal power plants using spaceborne IPDA lidar

Xuanye Zhang, Hailong Yang, Lingbing Bu, Zengchang Fan, Wei Xiao, Binglong Chen, Lu Zhang, Sihan Liu, Zhongting Wang, Jiqiao Liu, Weibiao Chen, and Xuhui Lee

Abstract. Coal-fired power plants are a major source of global carbon emissions, and accurately accounting for these significant emission sources is crucial in addressing global warming. Many previous studies have used Gaussian plume models to estimate power plant emissions, but there is a gap in observation capabilities for high-latitude regions and nighttime emissions. However, large emitting power plants exist in high-latitude areas. The DQ-1 satellite is equipped with the world’s first active remote sensing lidar for detecting CO2 column concentrations, which, compared to passive remote sensing satellites, enables observations in these regions. This paper applies a two-dimensional Gaussian plume model to the XCO2 results from the DQ-1 satellite and analyses the instantaneous CO2 emissions of 10 power plants globally. Among these, 15 cases of data are from nighttime observations, and 3 cases are from power plants located above 60° N latitude. The estimation results show good consistency when compared with emission inventories such as Climate TRACE and Carbon Brief, with a correlation coefficient R = 0.97. The correlation coefficient between the model fits and satellite observations ranges from 0.49 to 0.88, and the overall relative random error in the estimates is 15.11 %. This paper also analyses the diurnal and seasonal variations in CO2 emissions from the power plants, finding that emission variations align with changes in electricity consumption in the surrounding regions. This method is effective for monitoring the diurnal variations of strong emission sources like power plants.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Xuanye Zhang, Hailong Yang, Lingbing Bu, Zengchang Fan, Wei Xiao, Binglong Chen, Lu Zhang, Sihan Liu, Zhongting Wang, Jiqiao Liu, Weibiao Chen, and Xuhui Lee

Status: open (until 27 Dec 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Xuanye Zhang, Hailong Yang, Lingbing Bu, Zengchang Fan, Wei Xiao, Binglong Chen, Lu Zhang, Sihan Liu, Zhongting Wang, Jiqiao Liu, Weibiao Chen, and Xuhui Lee
Xuanye Zhang, Hailong Yang, Lingbing Bu, Zengchang Fan, Wei Xiao, Binglong Chen, Lu Zhang, Sihan Liu, Zhongting Wang, Jiqiao Liu, Weibiao Chen, and Xuhui Lee


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Short summary
This study utilized the IPDA lidar aboard the DQ-1 satellite to monitor emissions from localized strong point sources and, for the first time, observed the diurnal variation of CO2 emissions from a high-latitude power plant, Overall, power plant CO2 emissions were largely consistent with local electricity consumption patterns, with most plants emitting less at night than during the day, and with higher emissions in winter and summer compared to spring and autumn.