05 Dec 2024
 | 05 Dec 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Intended and Unintended Consequences of Atmospheric Methane Oxidation Enhancement

Hannah Marie Horowitz

Abstract. Atmospheric oxidation enhancement (AOE) of methane via either tropospheric hydroxyl radicals (OH) or chlorine (Cl) radicals is being considered as a method to decrease greenhouse gas concentrations. The chemistry involved is coupled; is nonlinear; and affects air quality, other greenhouse gases, and ozone-depleting substances. Here I perform a suite of experiments in a three-dimensional (3D) atmospheric chemistry model representing different OH- and Cl-based atmospheric oxidation enhancement methods, to estimate the effectiveness of each at decreasing greenhouse gases and the impacts on air quality and stratospheric ozone. I find that iron salt aerosol may not be effective at reducing methane on a global scale, depending on the reaction mechanism employed. More work is needed to understand the kinetics of chlorine release from iron salt aerosol and the potential for bromine co-release, which further decreases effectiveness. Hydrogen peroxide–based approaches can decrease global methane, but the hydrogen peroxide emissions required may be too large to be feasible. I find that limiting emissions to daytime for hydrogen peroxide–based scenarios has negligible effects. All methods increase surface particulate matter (PM) pollution and in some regions lead to exceedances of annual air quality standards. Cl-based methods decrease ozone air pollution, but OH-based methods increase ozone air pollution in populated areas. While Cl-based methods can increase ozone-depleting substances, I predict minimal changes in stratospheric ozone after 1 year of deployment. The overall impacts of atmospheric oxidation enhancement methods on climate and human health involve multiple competing factors.

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Hannah Marie Horowitz

Status: open (until 16 Jan 2025)

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Hannah Marie Horowitz


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Short summary
Removing the greenhouse gas methane from the atmosphere is being considered as an interim climate change solution. This includes increasing its chemical removal via oxidation. I simulate proposed methods in a computer model of the atmosphere. Results show that some approaches are unable to decrease methane on a global scale, while all increase particulate matter air pollution. There are climate and health tradeoffs of atmospheric oxidation enhancement of methane.