Exploring Atmospheric Nitrate Formation Mechanisms during the Winters of 2013 and 2018 in the North China Region via Modeling and Isotopic Analysis
Abstract. Nitrate (NO3-) has surpassed sulfate as the dominant secondary inorganic ion, posing a significant challenge to air quality improvement in China. We utilized the WRF-CMAQ model and isotopic analysis to investigate nitrate formation mechanisms in inland and coastal cities in North China during the winters of 2013 and 2018. Among the seven nitrate formation pathways, the oxidation reaction of OH radicals with NO2 (OH + NO2) and the heterogeneous reaction of N2O5 (hetN2O5) were dominant pathways (88 %–95.5 % NO3-), while others contributed less than 12.4 %. In inland cities, 63.7 %–85.6 % of nitrate formed via OH + NO2, and 8.3 %–27.7 % from hetN2O5. In coastal cities, about half of nitrate (48.2 %–56.5 %) was produced from OH + NO2, while hetN2O5 contributed 37.0 %–45.7 % due to higher N2O5 concentrations and longer NO3 radical lifetimes. Compared with 2013, the OH + NO2 contribution in 2018 increased by 7.6 % in inland cities and 3.6 % in coastal cities, driven by greater atmospheric oxidizing capacity. Scenario simulations showed that a 60 % reduction in NOx emissions could lower nitrate levels by 38.4 %, while combined reductions in NH3, NOx, and VOCs led to a 59.8 % decrease, from 14.6 μg/m3 to 5.9 μg/m3. These results highlight the need for comprehensive strategies targeting NH3, NOx, and VOCs to reduce nitrate pollution.