02 Oct 2024
 | 02 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Topographic modulation on the layered circulation in South China Sea

Qibang Tang, Zhongya Cai, and Zhiqiang Liu

Abstract. The South China Sea (SCS) is the largest semi-enclosed marginal sea in western Pacific. It exhibits a unique vertically rotating cyclonic, anticyclonic, and cyclonic circulation in its upper, middle, and deep layers. Over slope topography, these layered currents interact and significantly shape the structure and intensity of the basin circulation. In this study, we employ process-oriented numerical simulations to investigate how upper-layer processes, characterized by greater magnitude and variability, influence the layered circulation over the irregular topographic slope. The simulations reveal that stronger upper intrusion from open ocean directly enhances upper layer circulation, which subsequently strengthens the middle and the deep slope currents. Vorticity dynamics illustrate that changes in the middle and deep slope current are largely related to the vertical stretching (ζ_DIV) induced by bottom geostrophic cross-isobath transport (CGTb). As the upper-layer cyclonic slope current intensifies, it modulates the bottom pressure distribution, resulting in stronger negative ζ_DIV predominantly over the northwestern slope to intensify the middle anticyclone slope current. Similarly, for the deep cyclonic slope current, the CGTb maintains downward cascading in the northern part and upwelling over the southern slope. Over the southern slope, the strengthening of the positive  is induced by the increment of the advection of relative vorticity and planetary vorticity in water column, in which the middle layer provides approximately 40 % of the total strengthening trend, but the upper layer has a minimal impact. Conversely, on the northern slope, the strengthening of the negative CGTb is primarily influenced by the upper layer. 

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Qibang Tang, Zhongya Cai, and Zhiqiang Liu

Status: open (until 27 Nov 2024)

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Qibang Tang, Zhongya Cai, and Zhiqiang Liu
Qibang Tang, Zhongya Cai, and Zhiqiang Liu


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Short summary
The South China Sea is the largest semi-enclosed marginal sea in the western Pacific, features with unique layered circulation with rotating currents in its upper, middle, and deep layers. This study uses simulations to explore how stronger currents in the upper layer influence circulation across the entire basin. The vorticity analysis show that the enhanced upper currents increase the strength of middle and deep currents, driven by changes in bottom pressure and cross-slope movements.