08 Oct 2024
 | 08 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion and under review for Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).

Two-years of stratospheric chemistry perturbations from the 2019/2020 Australian wildfire smoke

Kane Stone, Susan Solomon, Pengfei Yu, Daniel M. Murphy, Douglas Kinnison, and Jian Guan

Abstract. The very large pyrocumulonimbus events that occurred during the Australian summer of 2019/2020 caused extremely unusual partitioning of stratospheric chlorine in Southern Hemisphere midlatitudes and Antarctic regions. This was likely caused by enhanced HCl solubility in organic species that increased heterogeneous chemistry. Here, we show that observed HCl and ClONO2 values remain outside the pre-wildfire satellite range since 2005 in both the Southern Hemisphere midlatitude and Antarctic regions in 2021. Through model simulations, we replicate this multi-year prolonged chemical perturbation, in good agreement with observations. This was achieved by calculating HCl solubility in mixed wildfire and sulfate aerosols consistent with assumptions of 1) liquid-liquid phase separation and 2) linear dependence on organic and sulfate composition. The model simulations also suggest that the Australian pyrocumulonimbus organic aerosols contributed to low midlatitude ozone values in 2021. A marked photochemically controlled seasonality of the chemical perturbations and ozone depletion is also observed and simulated, and its underlying chemical drivers are identified. This work highlights that lower concentrations of smoke still had profound effects on stratospheric heterogeneous chemistry more than a year after the 2019/2020 wildfire event.

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Kane Stone, Susan Solomon, Pengfei Yu, Daniel M. Murphy, Douglas Kinnison, and Jian Guan

Status: open (until 19 Nov 2024)

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Kane Stone, Susan Solomon, Pengfei Yu, Daniel M. Murphy, Douglas Kinnison, and Jian Guan
Kane Stone, Susan Solomon, Pengfei Yu, Daniel M. Murphy, Douglas Kinnison, and Jian Guan


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Short summary
The Australian 2019/2020 wildfires injected a substantial amount of smoke into the upper atmosphere, causing unusual chemical reactions that altered the chemical makeup of the upper atmosphere. This led to ozone depletion in the Southern hemisphere midlatitudes which likely didn't fully recover until 2 years after the initial event due to the persistent chemical effects of the smoke.