07 Oct 2024
 | 07 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Probabilistic precipitation downscaling for ungauged mountain sites: a pilot study for the Hindu Kush Karakoram Himalaya

Marc Girona-Mata, Andrew Orr, Martin Widmann, Daniel Bannister, Ghulam Hussain Dars, Scott Hosking, Jesse Norris, David Ocio, Tony Phillips, Jakob Steiner, and Richard E. Turner

Abstract. This study introduces a novel approach to post-processing (i.e., downscaling and bias-correcting) reanalysis-driven regional climate model daily precipitation that is capable of generalising to ungauged mountain locations by leveraging sparse in situ observations and a probabilistic regression framework. We call this post-processing approach Generalised Probabilistic Regression (GPR), and implement it using both generalised linear models and artificial neural networks (i.e., multilayer perceptrons). By testing the GPR post-processing approach across three Hindu Kush-Karakoram-Himalaya basins with varying hydro-meteorological characteristics and four experiments, which are representative of real-world scenarios, we find it performs consistently much better than both raw regional climate model output and deterministic bias correction methods for generalising daily precipitation post-processing to ungauged locations. We also find that GPR models are flexible and can be trained using data from a single region or multiple regions combined together, without major impacts on model performance. Additionally, we show that the GPR approach results in superior skill for post-processing entirely ungauged regions, by leveraging data from other regions, as well as ungauged high-elevation ranges. This suggests that GPR models have potential for extending post-processing of daily precipitation to ungauged areas of HKH. Whilst multilayer perceptrons yield marginally improved results overall, generalised linear models are a robust choice particularly for data-scarce scenarios, i.e., post-processing extreme precipitation events and generalising to completely ungauged regions.

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Marc Girona-Mata, Andrew Orr, Martin Widmann, Daniel Bannister, Ghulam Hussain Dars, Scott Hosking, Jesse Norris, David Ocio, Tony Phillips, Jakob Steiner, and Richard E. Turner

Status: open (until 02 Dec 2024)

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Marc Girona-Mata, Andrew Orr, Martin Widmann, Daniel Bannister, Ghulam Hussain Dars, Scott Hosking, Jesse Norris, David Ocio, Tony Phillips, Jakob Steiner, and Richard E. Turner
Marc Girona-Mata, Andrew Orr, Martin Widmann, Daniel Bannister, Ghulam Hussain Dars, Scott Hosking, Jesse Norris, David Ocio, Tony Phillips, Jakob Steiner, and Richard E. Turner


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Short summary
We introduce a novel method for improving daily precipitation maps in mountain regions and pilot it across three basins in the Hindu Kush Karakoram Himalaya (HKH). The approach leverages climate model and weather station data, along with statistical / machine learning techniques. Our results show this approach outperforms traditional methods, especially in remote, ungauged areas, suggesting it could be used to improve precipitation maps across much of the HKH, as well as other mountain regions.