27 Aug 2024
 | 27 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Tuning parameters of a sea ice model using machine learning

Anton Korosov, Yue Ying, and Einar Olason

Abstract. We developed a new method for tuning sea ice rheology parameters, which consists of two components: a new metric for characterising sea ice deformation patterns and an ML-based approach for tuning rheology parameters. We applied the new method to tune the parametrisation of the brittle Bingham-Maxwell rheology (BBM) implemented and used in the next-generation sea-ice model (neXtSIM). As a reference dataset, we used sea ice drift and deformation observations from the Radarsat Geophysical Processing System (RGPS).

The metric characterises a field of sea ice deformation with a vector of values. It includes well-established descriptors such as the mean and standard deviation of deformation, the structure-function of the spatial scaling analysis, and the density and intersection of linear kinematic features (LKFs). We added more descriptors to the metric that characterise the pattern of ice deformation, including image anisotropy and Haralick texture features. The developed metric can describe ice deformation from any model or satellite platform.

In the parameter tuning method, we first run an ensemble of neXtSIM members with perturbed rheology parameters and then train a machine-learning model using the simulated data. We provide the descriptors of ice deformation as input to the ML model and rheology parameters as targets. We apply the trained ML model to the descriptors computed from RGPS observations. The developed ML-based method is generic and can be used to tune the parameters of any model.

We ran experiments with tens of members and found optimal values for four neXtSIM BBM parameters: scaling parameter for ridging (P0 ≈ 5.1 kPa), cohesion at the reference scale (cref ≈ 1.2 MPa), internal friction angle tangent (µ ≈ 0.7), ice–atmosphere drag coefficient (CA ≈ 0.00228). A NeXtSIM run with the optimal parametrisation produces maps of sea ice deformation visually indistinguishable from the RGPS observations. These parameters exhibit weak interannual drift related to changes in sea ice thickness and corresponding changes in ice deformation patterns.

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Anton Korosov, Yue Ying, and Einar Olason

Status: open (until 22 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Anton Korosov, Yue Ying, and Einar Olason

Data sets

Outputs of the next generation sea ice model (neXtSIM) for winter 2006 - 2007 saved for comparison with RGPS Anton Korosov

Model code and software

Sea ice drift deformation analysis software, pysida-0.1 Anton Korosov

Interactive computing environment

NeXtSIM parameter tuning software, nextsimtuning-0.1 Anton Korosov

Anton Korosov, Yue Ying, and Einar Olason


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Short summary
We have developed a new method to improve the accuracy of sea ice models, which predict how ice moves and deforms due to wind and ocean currents. Traditional models use parameters that are often poorly defined. The new approach uses machine learning to fine-tune these parameters by comparing simulated ice drift with satellite data. The method identifies optimal settings for the model by analysing patterns in ice deformation. This results in more accurate simulations of sea ice drift forecasting.