14 Aug 2024
 | 14 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is open for discussion.

Hail events in Germany, rare or frequent natural hazards?

Tabea Wilke, Katharina Lengfeld, and Markus Schultze

Abstract. Hail in Germany is a natural hazard that is not in everyone's focus, even though it can cause great damage. In this study we focus on hail frequency, sizes and spatial distribution in Germany based on crowd sourcing and weather radar data. We derive hail sizes from radar reflectivity through the use of vertically integrated ice (VII) and maximum estimated size of hail (MESH). With that we create a hail climatology for Germany out of 6 years radar data. We found that hail can occur over whole Germany, but is much more probable in the south. The size of hail depends heavily on the storm, as we see hail tracks with large hail sizes. June is the month with the most and largest hail events. The mountainous areas are hit more frequently by hail than the lower parts. We analyzed crowd data in a short study to obtain how well people can estimate sizes especially hail sizes. In summary, the mean of a crowd is a quite good fit, but individual estimates can be very wrong. In comparison to radar data we found that MESH overestimates the hail size clearly, VII is in our case study a good fit.

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Tabea Wilke, Katharina Lengfeld, and Markus Schultze

Status: open (until 25 Sep 2024)

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Tabea Wilke, Katharina Lengfeld, and Markus Schultze
Tabea Wilke, Katharina Lengfeld, and Markus Schultze


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Short summary
Hail in Germany is a natural hazard that is not in everyone's focus, even though it can cause great damage. In this study we focus on hail frequency, sizes and spatial distribution in Germany based on crowd sourcing and weather radar data. We compare different algorithms based on weather radar data with crowd sourced data and show the annual and diurnal cycle of hail in Germany.